Chapter 138 Hongye Town

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Chapter 138 Hongye Town

  One year later, Hongye Town

  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin went to many places during this year, and they also went to many Monster Beast Mountains. The speed of stop and go was not too fast. The last two practice hard every day, so Murong Jin's strength at the peak of the third level has been completely stabilized, and Shen Xuyao's strength has also initially stabilized.

  On this day, the two came to Hongye Town and found a restaurant for lunch.

  "The food here is good, you should eat more." As he said, Shen Xuyao considerately put the favorite food into his lover's bowl.

  Looking at the dishes in the bowl, Murong Jin smiled. "It's not as delicious as yours."

  Hearing his lover's message, Shen Xuyao couldn't help but curl up his lips. "Okay, I'll cook it for you tonight."

  With his lover's consent, Shen Murong Jin smiled, the smile was full of sweetness.

  "Ma'am, our strength is almost stable. Why don't we rent a house in the town and live here for a while, what do you think?" Previously, I practiced and killed monsters everywhere in order to consolidate my strength. . Now that his strength was stable, Shen Xuyao wanted to find a place to settle down. Let the daughter-in-law use the Wu brothers' spiritual treasures to advance to the fourth level first. As long as the daughter-in-law advances to level four, they will be safer in the future.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded in agreement. He has been out of seclusion for six years, and it is time for him to advance to level four.

  "Okay, let's go look at the house after dinner."

  "Okay!" Murong Jin smiled and continued to send messages to his lover.

  Looking at the young lady beside him, Shen Xuyao smiled. He took his lover's hand, smiled and pinched his fingertips. Previously, my daughter-in-law said that disguising Xiao Yan would be a waste of spiritual speech skills and troublesome, so it was better to keep the spiritual speech skills to refine potions, so she drank the disguise potion to disguise herself. As a result, she disguised herself as a woman. Therefore, Shen Xuyao was lucky enough to see his daughter-in-law in women's clothing again.

  After the meal, the couple paid and left. As soon as they walked out of the restaurant, Shen Xuyao saw three soul pet masters, one woman and two men. The three of them were coming this way, and they probably wanted to come to eat. He stared at the female soul pet master. Shen Xuyao blocked the three people's way.

  Seeing the two third-level soul pet masters blocking the road, a man in black robes couldn't help but frown. He looked at the two of them. "Is something okay, you two?"

  Glancing at the man, Shen Xuyao's eyes fell on the woman again. The female soul pet master was at the beginning of the third level, but she was already forty-five years old. Although she has the face of a girl, she is actually not young anymore.

  "This fellow Taoist, can you take a step to speak?"

  Hearing this, the female soul pet master was stunned for a moment. He pointed at his nose and asked doubtfully: "Me?"

  "Yes, that's you." Nodding, Shen Xuyao answered very seriously.

  "This..." Turning her head in confusion, the woman looked at the two men beside her.

  Stepping forward, a man in purple robe immediately blocked the female soul pet master. "You brat, you are so brave. You dare to molest my sister. I think you are looking for death."

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