Chapter 10 The Villain Wakes Up

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Chapter 10 The Villain Wakes Up

  Back home, Shen Xuyao put Murong Jin on his bed. However, Murong Jin was still in a coma and did not wake up.

  Standing on Murong Jin's forehead, Xiao Lanhua was very anxious. "Good-hearted man, why is my master still awake?"

  "Don't worry, I gave him a healing potion, and he will wake up soon." Said, Shen Xuyao touched the wilting petals of the orchid.

  "Is it the healing potion? What level is it? What level of potion did you give my master?"

  Hearing Xiaolanhua ask this, Shen Xuyao froze for a moment. "Level one, what's the matter?"

  "Oh, my master is at the beginning of the second level. Your first level potion is not enough. Do you have a second level potion?"

  "Yes." With that said, Shen Xuyao took out a bottle of level-2 potion, and poured it down for the villain again. I thought to myself: As expected of a villain, are you already at the beginning of the second level? That's great!

  "Good-hearted man, you are so kind. What's your name?" Tilting her head, Xiao Lanhua asked.

  "Oh, my name is Shen Xuyao." Isn't this considered a lie? He had been called that.

  "Then, may I call you Brother Xu Yao?"

  Seeing the little orchid who blinked her eyes and spoke like a child in a baby voice, Shen Xuyao's heart melted immediately. "good."

  "Brother Xuyao, Xiaolan is hungry!" Hooking Shen Xuyao's sleeve with her two flower leaves, Xiaolan immediately acted like a baby.

  "I'm hungry, I have Lingyu here." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao took out a piece of Lingyu he had just bought. This piece is the smallest piece among the fifteen pieces of Lingyu, weighing almost five catties.

  "Wow, what a big piece of Lingyu! Brother Xuyao, you are so kind." After speaking, Xiao Lanhua pounced on it, clicked, and swallowed the five-jin Lingyu in three or two strokes.

  Seeing that a small flower the size of a palm digested a piece of Lingyu weighing five catties in just one minute, Shen Xuyao twitched the corners of his mouth. Xin said: This is too unscientific, this flower can actually eat Lingyu that is so much bigger than itself! Sure enough, the mainland of soul pet masters has no scientific basis!

  After eating the Lingyu, blue rays of light burst out from Xiaolan's petals, and the wilting petals became moist all of a sudden, and the two withered yellow leaves turned green again.

  Flying in front of Shen Xuyao, Xiao Lanhua was very happy. "Brother Xuyao, you are so kind. When my body recovers, I can secrete the poisonous powder. When the time comes, I will give brother Xuyao a bottle of poisonous powder for self-defense, okay?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled. "No need, your master is injured, don't secrete the poisonous powder, it will be even more difficult for him."

  Shen Xuyao knew that for a poisonous flower to secrete poisonous powder and poisonous mist, its owner would also consume a lot of spiritual power.

  "Brother Xuyao, you are so considerate, you are such a good man." Flying in front of Shen Xuyao, Xiao Lanhua affectionately rubbed Shen Xuyao's neck and the mask on his face.

  Seeing such a coquettish little orchid, Shen Xuyao smiled helplessly. "Are you still hungry? Why don't you eat another piece of spirit jade! Your master is injured, you absorb more spirit jade, your master will recover sooner."

  "Okay, Brother Xu Yao is the best."

  This time, the jade that Shen Xuyao took out was bigger than the previous one, weighing about eight catties.

  Seeing Lingyu, Xiao Lanhua happily flew over and began to feast on it.

  "You, you shameless guy, you ate all my dinner." Unbearable, the Lingyan Stone flew out of Shen Xuyao's sea of consciousness.

  Seeing the Lingyan Stone, Shen Xuyao was quite frightened. Hastily grabbed each other. "Who told you to come out? Go back."

  "Master, are you stupid? You, you can see clearly that I am your soul pet. That little broken flower is someone else's soul pet. How can you give it my dinner?" , Lingyan Stone was very wronged.

  Frowning and looking at each other, Shen Xuyao was very upset. "I told you to go back, did you hear that?"

  "No, they are two masters and servants, a pair of shameless. This little broken flower ate two pieces of Lingyu from me, and his master drank two bottles of healing potions from you. The two of them sincerely took advantage of us. If it’s cheap, you should throw out the big one and the small one.”

  "I'll let you go back." With a scold, Shen Xuyao forcibly threw the Lingyan teacher back into his sea of consciousness.

  After Shen Xuyao got rid of his soul pet, he saw that Xiao Lanhua had already eaten up the second piece of jade. standing on the shoulders of his master. And the man in white on the bed did not know when he woke up. Master and servant, two pairs of eyes are staring at him.

  The two masters and servants paid attention to him. Shen Xuyao smiled awkwardly. "Sorry to wake you up. Is your injury better?"

  Lying on the bed, Murong Jin stared blankly at Shen Xuyao for a long time before nodding his head.

  "This is a wound medicine for external application. You can apply some medicine yourself. It's getting late. I'll make lunch. I'll call you when the meal is ready." After speaking, Shen Xuyao got up and left without waiting for the other party's answer.

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