Chapter 147 Pharmacist Liu's Purpose

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Chapter 147 Pharmacist Liu's Purpose

  After listening to Shen Xuyao's instructions, Lu Cheng was even more confused. "Jiang Yuan, what do you mean?"

  "It's not interesting? I'm afraid you will poison them!"

  Hearing this, Lu Cheng was very angry. "You, stop talking nonsense, I am a pharmacist, not a poison refiner. I will not poison."

  Looking at the furious Lu Cheng, Shen Xuyao smiled. "We are all pharmacists, so why tell such a joke? Are you fooling people who don't know the profession? Our town leader is not an outsider either, isn't it good for you to fool him like this?"


  Looking at the speechless Lu Cheng, Shen Xuyao smiled nonchalantly.

  "What do you mean?" Raising his eyebrows, Town Master Xu looked at Pharmacist Liu who was sitting next to him.

  Hearing this, Yaoshi Liu smiled. "Actually, pharmacists can extract some toxins from some medicinal materials. It's not that they don't understand poisons. They just don't know much."

  Hearing this explanation, Lord Xu nodded slightly. "I see."

  "Can a pharmacist also refine poison? Doctor Jiang, can you do this too?"

  Looking at Xu Zhenzhen with a curious look on her face, Shen Xuyao smiled. "If Third Miss is interested, you can prepare the spirit stones and we will study this issue another day."

  "Okay!" Nodding, Xu Zhenzhen readily agreed.

  After glancing at the other party, Shen Xuyao turned to Xu Hong. "Young Master, I leave these three people to you. Please arrange a place for them to live! Don't let anyone come into contact with them."

  "Okay, don't worry, leave it to me!" Nodding, Xu Hong immediately called his confidants and took away Shen Xuyao's three patients.

  Standing up, Shen Xuyao looked at the town lord and Liu Yaoshi. "Town Master, Senior Liu, if I have nothing else to do, I will go back to refine the potion first. We will see the outcome of the competition in three days."

  "Nephew Jiang Xian, why don't you prepare the medicinal materials today, and tomorrow, how about you and Cheng'er refining the medicine in public?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao glanced at Liu Yaoshi. "I'm sorry, Senior Liu, I can't agree to this matter. My master is a hermit master, and his pharmacy skills are not known to the outside world. I can't make potions in public." Refining potions in public? Are you kidding me? Where would he be?

  After receiving such an answer, Yaoshi Liu couldn't help feeling a little regretful. "Okay then, three days later, you and Cheng'er will take out the potion you have refined and let three patients take it in public. Whoever cures the most patients will win. What do you think?"

  "Very good!" Lowering his head, Shen Xuyao agreed.

  "Okay, you're tired too, go back and get ready!" After waving his hand, Town Master Xu said so.

  "Thank you town lord!" Shen Xuyao turned and left after bowing his head in thanks.

  As soon as Shen Xuyao left, Yaoshi Liu and Town Master Xu exchanged a few words and left. The three pharmacists from the town lord's mansion also left. Only five members of Town Master Xu's family were left in the main hall.

  "Brother, can Jiang Yuan win this time?"

  Hearing this, Xu Hong glanced at his second brother and asked. "Should be able to win, Jiang Yuan is very concerned about things related to Lingshi."

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