Chapter 134 Sky Crystal

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Chapter 134 Sky Crystal

  A year later, Taoyuan Town

  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin rented a house in the small town and settled down safely. After staying here, Shen Xuyao would often take his lover to see peach blossoms outside the town. The reason why this place is called Taoyuan Town is precisely because there are peach blossom trees planted everywhere in the town and outside the town, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

  In the evening, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin sat together for dinner. Shen Xuyao smiled and brought food to his daughter-in-law. "Try the peach blossom cake I made, and this peach blossom wine you made yourself."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin immediately shook his head. "Stop drinking, I'll get drunk when I drink."

  "Drunk is more charming, I like it." After speaking, Shen Xuyao picked up the wine glass and fed his wife a sip of wine.

  Tapping his mouth, Murong Jin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "not bad."

  "Of course, my wife's wine-making skills are absolutely top-notch." After speaking, Shen Xuyao took the food and delivered it to his lover's mouth.

  Listening to his lover's praise, Murong Jin couldn't help but curl up his lips. "Why don't you eat?"

  "I'll eat after you're full." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao ordered other dishes for his wife. sent to the mouth of the lover.

  Staring at the man who had been feeding him vegetables and wine, Murong Jin unconsciously bit his lips. He leaned into Shen Xuyao's ear and asked, "Are you trying to get me drunk again and make me cry on the bed and beg you?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled and kissed the other person's cheek. "What do you say?"

  Looking at the smiling lover beside him, Murong Jin wrinkled his nose. "You are a very bad person, you always like to bully me in different ways."

  Seeing that she was three points drunk, her voice was very nasal when she spoke, and her face was full of grievances. Shen Xuyao smiled. "I was spoiled by you because I was bad, who made you pamper me every time?"

  "You can always come up with a lot of reasons and excuses for bullying me, but I can't beat you." Speaking of this, Murong Jin felt even more aggrieved.

  Looking at the poor daughter-in-law, Shen Xuyao put down the chopsticks in his hand, hugged her, and let him sit on his lap. He gently rubbed the other person's hair. "Don't be angry, it's my fault."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin raised his eyebrows. "Then, where did you go wrong?"

  "You are my partner, and it is my fault that makes you unhappy. It is my fault that makes you unhappy and unhappy. Isn't it my fault? I will punish myself." With that, Shen Xuyao Picking up the wine glass, he lowered his head and drank the wine in the glass.

  "Have another drink!" As he spoke, Murong Jin picked up the jug and offered Shen Xuyao another glass of wine.

  "Okay!" Picking up the wine poured by his wife, Shen Xuyao drank another glass.

  Seeing that Shen Xuyao drank all the wine, Murong Jin pursed his lips and smiled.

  He stared at his wife's smile. Shen Xuyao slowly moved closer and kissed his lover's lips...


  When Murong Jin opened his sleepy eyes and woke up leisurely, it was already the next afternoon.

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