Chapter 56 Meris Josie

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Chapter 56 Meris Josie

  After leaving the restaurant, Shen Xuyao and his party went shopping while looking for an inn.

  Seeing a shop selling animal skins and bone materials in front of them, the three of them walked into the shop together.

  Kane had money and spent it lavishly. He would buy any kind of third-level animal skin that he saw was good. Shen Xuyao also selected some second-level animal skins and bones, and also bought some second-level weapon refining materials.

  Just when Kane was looking at a white fox fur, he met two magicians in the restaurant before and walked into the shop with ten followers.

  He came to Kane's side and took a look at the white fox fur in Kane's hand. The second-level magician looked contemptuous. "What do you think? To make magic scrolls, wolf skins should be used. Do you understand wolf skins?"

  Hearing this, Kane rolled his eyes with disdain. "What kind of magic scroll is made depends on what kind of animal skin is used. This is corresponding. Wolf skin is indeed suitable for some magic, but it cannot be suitable for all magic."

  Hearing Kane's words, the second-level magician was startled. Kane was speechless.

  "Your statement is very novel." He raised his eyebrows, and the third-level magician's favorable impression of Kane doubled.

  Glancing at the man, Kane shook his head helplessly. "It's not that my statement is novel, but that the magic you learn is too superficial."

  "Superficial, what do you mean?"

  Glancing at the noisy second-level magician and the group of servants following him, Kane frowned impatiently. He turned to look at the third-level magician. "If you want to chase me, you can come to me alone and don't bring the family with you, okay?"

  Hearing this, the third-level magician turned to look at the person beside him. "You all go back to the inn!"

  "Brother Six, she..."

  Glancing at his younger brother who was unwilling to leave, the man said coldly, "If you don't want to go back, I don't mind turning you into a parrot or an owl and let you fly back."

  Hearing this, the second-level magician shrank his neck in fear, and immediately led the others away.

  Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Kane smiled. He turned to look at the man beside him. "Your brother listens to you very much? Have you ever used magic on him?"

  "Well, when he was disobedient, I used it on him twice. Once, he was turned into an owl and hung on the beam. After that, he has always been obedient."

  Hearing this, Kane raised his eyebrows. "I also have a very naughty brother. Later, she made me angry and I turned him into a toad. Then, he was almost trampled to death by my father." Speaking of this, Kane laughed.

  Looking at the woman's charming smile, the man was stunned, and for a moment he was actually fascinated.

  After hearing the content of the conversation between the two people, the faces of the customers coming in and out of the store, the shop assistants and the shopkeeper were not very good-looking. The fear shining in his eyes was even more obvious.

  Walking over, Shen Xuyao looked at Kane. "I have bought everything I want to buy. My wife and I will go shopping elsewhere. After dinner, we will go to the Dongsheng Inn at the end of the street. I will book a room for you."

  "Okay, you go ahead and make me a mask when you get back."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao rolled his eyes. He took out a blue mask from the space ring. "This is for you, don't sell it again."

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