Chapter 194 Heart of Love

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Chapter 194 Heart of Love

  As soon as the three people appeared, a group of soul pet masters immediately surrounded them.

  "You two little bastards, you have allowed me to find you, but you dare to lie to me with your storybook. It is simply unreasonable."

  "Hmph, you are courting death!"

  "Yes, if you dare to deceive Senior Nie, you are simply seeking death."

  Seeing that the fifth-level soul pet master came to the door, Murong Jin felt helpless. "I'm sorry, senior, I took the wrong thing last time. How about I hand it over now?"

  "He's just an early level five guy, very weak. Why are you afraid of him?"

  Murong Jin couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he heard Wucai Yufeng's words. My heart said: Girl, can you stop telling the truth?

  "Girl, what did you say?"

  "I said you..." Wucai Yufeng hadn't finished her words yet. The three masters and servants were wrapped in blue light, and the three disappeared into the side hall.

  "Damn it, he ran away again!" He cursed angrily, and the fifth-level soul pet master immediately led everyone to chase him.

  This side hall is used to store various painting dyes. At this moment, eight soul pet masters were checking the dyes in the hall. When Shen Xuyao and the other three came in, they didn't attract much attention. Shen Xuyao and the others came to the west wall. Looked at the murals on the wall.

  This is the fifth mural. There is a peach forest painted on the mural. The peach blossoms and fallen flowers in the peach forest are unique and beautiful. In the peach blossom forest, there are seven girls, wearing seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, playing in the peach blossom forest.

  Shen Xuyao checked and found a girl in purple clothes without eyes. "Point of interest!"

  After hearing Shen Xuyao's words, Xiaoyan flew out and lit a pair of eyes for the girl in purple. The purple-clothed girl smiled brightly, and a purple light enveloped the three of them, and they disappeared into the side hall in the blink of an eye.

  "What's going on? Is there a mechanism on the mural?"

  "I don't know, why did it disappear?"

  "Yeah, why did those three people disappear?"

  At this moment, the eight soul pet masters put down the dyes in their hands and immediately came to the mural to inspect it.

  The scene in front of them flashed, and the three masters and servants came to the peach blossom forest.

  "Xiao Lan, protect Xu Yao." As soon as his feet landed in the peach blossom forest, Murong Jin immediately realized that something was wrong.

  "Oh!" In response, Xiaolan immediately flew to Shen Xuyao's head. Shen Xuyao was wrapped in a blue light.

After looking at Xiaolan, Shen Xuyao turned to look at his lover. "What's the matter, is there poison here?"

  "It's not poison, it's an aphrodisiac. It has no effect on women like me. It's specially designed to deal with men like you." Wucai Yufeng said as he took off the mask on his face.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao glanced at the other party, then turned to his lover who looked wary. "This poison is not a big problem for me. If I am poisoned, can't you detoxify me?"

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