Chapter 140 Dinner at the Town Lord's Mansion

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Chapter 140 Dinner at the Town Lord’s Mansion

  After the group of five returned to the town lord's mansion, Xu Hong arranged for Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin to live in a small courtyard. Flowers are planted in the yard, and the houses are decorated with carved beams and pillars, which are very beautifully built. Shen Xuyao is very satisfied with this residence.

  Xu Hong said that his parents were going to a banquet tonight, and it was inconvenient to see each other when they were not at home, saying that they would meet again when his father was free. Shen Xuyao didn't care about this. After all, the town leader was a sixth-level soul pet master. Why should he be condescended to meet a third-level pharmacist?

  "Jiang Yaoshi, look at the residence here. Are you satisfied?"

  Hearing Xu Hong's question, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Thank you Senior Xu for the arrangement. I am very satisfied with this place. However, it would be great if there were no flowers in the yard."

  Hearing this, Xu Hong raised his eyebrows. "Why, Pharmacist Jiang doesn't like these flowers?"

  "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that there are flowers in the yard, and there is only a path paved with soft stones. In this way, the yard is a bit narrow, which affects my partner's sword practice." At this point, Shen Xuyao twisted his head brow.

  Hearing this, Xu Hong glanced at Murong Jin. "Oh, it turns out that Mrs. Jiang knows swordsmanship. This is easy to handle. I will send someone over in a while and dig up all the flowers in the yard. In addition, I will make some archery targets for Mrs. Jiang and put them in the yard. What does Jiang Yaoshi think?" ?”

  "In that case, thank you, Senior Xu." In this way, it would not be in the way for him and his wife to practice sword and spear practice.

  "It's just a small thing." For Xu Hong, these things were just words.

  After Xu Hong asked people to decorate the yard, the three Xu brothers and sisters left. After they left, Shen Xuyao arranged a protective formation in the yard, covering the entire yard. Create an independent and isolated space.

  "How's it going? Are you satisfied with this yard?"

  Hearing his lover's question, Murong Jin nodded. "It's not bad. It's much more spacious than the small yard we lived in the village before. Moreover, the decoration of this house is also very gorgeous and elegant."

  "Just like it." The house in the Town Lord's Mansion is naturally luxurious and grand.

  "The town owner and his wife didn't see us. Do you think they don't like us very much?" Thinking of this, Murong Jin couldn't help but frown.

  "It's okay, I won't see you today, and I will see you tomorrow. As long as I cure their daughter, they can't avoid seeing them. But, to be honest, I really don't want to see them. One level six and one level five. I spent a whole day with them." Room. We will definitely feel doubly oppressed." At this point, Shen Xuyao frowned.

  "That's true. In fact, it's not a good thing to stay with the strong." In the past, Murong Jin was not willing to stay with his grandfather when he was in Murong's house. The first is because he knows that his grandfather doesn't like him. The second reason is that Grandpa's aura of a strong man was too strong. For him who was only level 1 at the time, staying with a strong man of level 4 made it difficult to breathe after a long time.

"From now on, we will live here, and leave the potion transaction to Xu Hong. We will stay in seclusion and stay in the city lord's mansion, and let the Wu family look for it outside!"

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