Chapter 25 Do You Like Me?

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Chapter 25 Do You Like Me?

  Seeing that Murong Jin had received a gift, Xiaolan immediately flew out of Murong Jin's sea of consciousness. Flying in front of Shen Xuyao with a flattering expression, he performed a dance for him.

  "Brother Xuyao, Xiaolan also wants a New Year's gift."

  Looking at the coquettish little orchid in the palm. Shen Xuyao smiled. "Of course there is. How could we lose Xiaolan's share?" With that said, Shen Xuyao took out a space ring and handed it to Xiaolan.

  "Brother Xuyao, what's in the ring?" Holding the ring, Xiao Lan asked curiously.

  "Lingyu, I went to the town before and bought you a hundred pieces of Lingyu. Give it to you as a New Year's gift, okay?"

  Hearing this, Xiaolan happily jumped up from Shen Xuyao's palm. "Okay, okay, brother Xuyao is really kind, brother Xuyao is the best and the best person, Xiaolan likes brother Xuyao the most."

  "You little clever ghost." He poked Xiaolan's flower bud with his hand, and Shen Xuyao's eyes were full of doting.

  "Brother Xuyao, I also have a gift for you. I will secrete some poisonous powder tomorrow, and keep it for your self-defense, okay?" After thinking about it, Xiaolan said that she wanted to give a gift.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao frowned. "However, if you secrete poisonous powder, you will be very tired."

  "It's okay, I won't be tired. Brother Xuyao waits for me to make the poisonous powder, can I give it to you?"

  Faced with Xiao Lan who was looking forward to looking forward to her flower head. Shen Xuyao nodded. "If Xiaolan wants to give it to me, of course I like it. I'm just afraid that you will be too tired and working too hard."

  "No, it's not hard. Isn't it master?"

  Seeing Xiaolan looking over, Murong Jin was a little dumbfounded. "You promised to give me a gift, and you just remembered to ask me?"

  Hearing this, Xiao Lan immediately flew over to rub Murong Jin's cheek, doing all kinds of tricks to please her. "Master, let's send some poisonous powder to brother Xuyao, shall we?"

  "If you want to send poison powder, then you have to send some more pollen to Xu Yao. Xu Yao is not me, he is not your master, and cannot be immune to your poison. So, you have to give him the antidote, otherwise, He will poison himself." Having said this, Murong Jin was very helpless. Xin said: This Xiaolan, she only thinks about sending poison powder to Xu Yao for self-defense, but doesn't even think about whether Xu Yao will poison herself.

  "Oh, that's it! I see." Nodding repeatedly, Xiaolan expressed her understanding.

  "Murong, Xiaolan secretes poisonous powder and antidote, which will consume its spiritual power, or forget it. Anyway, we are all together. If I am in danger, you and Xiaolan will protect me, right? ?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin looked at Shen Xuyao. "Don't worry, it's fine. This is a gift from Xiaolan, you can't refuse it!"

  "Okay!" Seeing that the master and servant were so persistent, Shen Xuyao had no choice but to agree to the master and servant.

  After the meal, Murong Jin returned to the room, sat on the warm kang, and fiddled with the three medicines that Shen Xuyao gave him.

  Leaning on Murong Jin's shoulder, looking at the potion in the box, and at the space ring on her own leaf, Xiao Lan smiled. "Brother Xuyao is really considerate. He must have guessed that we are going to advance. So, he gave the master potion and a lot of spirit jade to me."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin looked at Xiao Lan helplessly. "Guess? You have the nerve to say it, didn't you tell Xu Yao? You have a big mouth, you can say everything."

  "Then, brother Xuyao asked me? I'm a good boy, I can't lie."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was a little dumbfounded. He suddenly discovered that his Xiaolan had been brainwashed by Xu Yao. Yes, good boys don't tell lies, so this guy became a "little traitor" and told Xu Yao everything.

  "Master, you see that Brother Xuyao is so kind to you, and he gave you three of such expensive second-level potions in one go. Can you think of a way to let us stay here forever, and be with Brother Xuyao forever?" together?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin raised his eyebrows. "What can you do?"

  "Yes, when elder brother Xuyao reaches fifteen years of age, you will go to elder brother Xuyao and tell him that you want to marry him as his wife, then we can stay forever."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was startled. His face turned red. "What nonsense are you talking about? Me, how can I say that kind of thing?"

  "Then if you're embarrassed to say, you can prepare some stupid medicine! When the time comes, how about I put it in brother Xuyao's meal for you?"

  Looking at Xiao Lan who was shaking her head and talking with a proud face, Murong Jin covered the other's mouth. "No, you can't poison Xu Yao."

  "What are you afraid of, the poison is not dangerous?"

  "That's not okay, don't think about these crooked things."

  Got yelled at by the master. Xiaolan lowered her head. "Oh, I see."

  "No, who taught you this?" After thinking for a while, Murong Jin immediately realized something was wrong.

  "Rotten stone! He said, brother Xuyao likes you, but he is too thin-skinned to tell you. It said, let me come back to persuade you, let you take the initiative!"

  After receiving such an answer, Murong Jin couldn't help but startled. Did Xiaoyan say it? Is this what Xu Yao meant? Thinking of this, Murong Jin was both surprised and happy, so Xu Yao likes me?

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