Chapter 122 Vicious Mother and Son

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Chapter 122 Vicious Mother and Son

  Midnight, midnight.

  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin had just finished practicing and fell asleep not long after. There was a knock on the door.

  Hearing the voice outside the door, Shen Xuyao frowned a little irritably. "Who?"

  "Young man, it's me, Aunt Zhao, I made a special supper for you and your wife. Come here and open the door."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked depressed. "Ma'am, we don't have the habit of eating late at night. Take it back, we're going to bed."

  To be honest, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin really don't have the habit of eating late at night, and they were woken up just after falling asleep, which made Shen Xuyao very unhappy. She said in her heart: What is wrong with Mrs. Zhao? They are here to stay overnight, so why do they care about midnight snacks?

  "Young man, my aunt made you small wontons with her own hands. You can eat more or less, this is my aunt's wish!" Aunt Zhao outside the door continued to persuade without giving up.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao reluctantly got up from the bed. Putting on his shoes, he came to the door, put away his magic sword, and opened the door. Looking at Aunt Zhao standing outside the door, Shen Xuyao frowned. "Ms. Zhao, it's so late and you're still not asleep?"

  "Here, here's the supper specially made for you and your daughter-in-law. Take it back and eat it while it's hot!" With that said, Mrs. Zhao handed over the tray.

  "Thank you Aunt Zhao. It's getting late, you can go back and rest!" Smiling, Shen Xuyao thanked politely, and took the tray from the other party. No matter what, it was his wish. He was quite old, and Shen Xuyao was too embarrassed to refuse, which made the old man feel cold.

  Aunt Zhao was very happy to see Shen Xuyao took the tray. "Okay, then when you finish eating, just put the bowls on the table. I'll collect the bowls and chopsticks tomorrow."

  "Okay!" Nodding, Shen Xuyao watched the other party leave, then closed the door, and put the tray on the table.

  At this moment, Murong Jin had also been woken up. Murong Jin took out the luminous stone for lighting and came to Shen Xuyao's side. "What's the matter?"

  "Aunt Zhao made supper for us." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao pointed to the two steaming bowls of wontons on the table.

  Murong Jin's expression changed drastically when he saw the wontons. He looked at his lover anxiously. "Xu Yao, these two bowls of wontons are poisonous."

  Hearing his lover's voice transmission, Shen Xuyao's face also changed. "What poison?"

  "The poison that can make us sleep for two hours! It's not a deadly poison."

  got this answer. Shen Xuyao nodded. He walked to the washbasin stand, took the washbasin, poured the two bowls of wontons on the table into the washbasin, placed the two empty bowls on the table, and put the wontons in them The washbasin was hidden in the empty closet.

"Xu Yao?" The man's series of actions made Murong Jin very different.

  "Use the trick and lie down on the bed. The mother and son should be here soon."

  Murong Jin nodded after hearing his lover's message. Back in bed again.

  After about a stick of incense, the door to Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin's room was pried open. The sound of footsteps also came closer and closer. Aunt Zhao walked in front with the luminous stone, and two tall and round men followed her, and the three of them entered the room.

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