Chapter 171 Xu Yao Level 4

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Chapter 171 Xu Yao Level 4

  Luohua Town, in the town lord's mansion.

  Sitting in Feng Hua's room, Xiao Ran and Xiao Fangfang stared at their cousin Feng Hua with curiosity.

  "Cousin, you were stuck in the middle stage of the third level for a long time and didn't advance, why did you suddenly advance to the late stage of the third level?"

  Feng Hua smiled when he heard his cousin's question. "Oh, my elder brother got me two potions, and I advanced after drinking them." Feng Hua was able to advance so quickly because among the ten potions Shen Xuyao gave him, there were two barrier-breaking potions, and Feng Hua only drank them. One, the strength that has been stuck for many years will be promoted smoothly.

  After learning about this, his father scolded him badly. Said that he was reckless, and said that the potion should be saved for drinking when he advances to the fourth level. But what should he do if he drinks all the alcohol? Can you still spit it out? For this reason, his father wanted to confiscate his remaining nine medicines. Fortunately, his mother interceded, and only five medicines were taken away, leaving him with four medicines.

  "What kind of potion is so powerful? After drinking it, you will be promoted?" Xiao Fangfang was dubious about this.

  Hearing this, Feng Hua smiled awkwardly. "Oh, cousin, cousin, don't ask me."

  Looking at his cousin who was obviously unwilling to say anything, Xiao Ran smiled. "I know even if you don't tell me. My aunt told me. My aunt said you..."

  "What, did my mother tell you? My mother is so talkative! Don't tell grandpa, otherwise, grandpa will be angry. "

  Facing his cousin's request, Xiao Ran nodded. "Don't worry, we won't betray you."

  "Brother, what's the matter, why don't I know?"

  "My cousin made a deal with Shen Xuyao before and got back 1,100 third-level potions. Shen Xuyao also gave my cousin ten rare potions." His aunt did not hide this from him.

  "What? Shen Xuyao? Cousin, he's looking for you?"

  "Yes, he came to me before and asked me to go to a small village to find him. I took the spirit stone and went there, and he gave me a box of potions." Nodding, Feng Hua said yes.

  "It seems that he still trusts you! He actually asked you to trade!"

  "Maybe!" Although they met, Feng Hua felt that Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin obviously didn't trust him as much as before. After saying a few words, he took the spirit stone and left.

  "Cousin, what is the strength of the two of them now?"

  Hearing his cousin's question, Feng Hua shook his head. "I don't know, I can't tell, they are all stronger than me."

  "That's it!" Xiao Ran nodded.

  "Cousin, what medicine did Shen Xuyao send you?" Xiao Fangfang was very curious about this.

  "It's nothing, just a barrier-breaking potion, a bowel-cleansing potion, and a sublimation potion. That's all."

  "I've never heard of these three types? What are they used for?"

  "The barrier-breaking potion is used to assist in advancing to the next level. I drank this potion before I advanced to the late third level. The sublimation potion is also used to assist in advancement, and the intestinal cleansing potion is used to help the soul pet regulate its intestines and promote digestion. They are all rare potions. , However, they are all very useful. I was not willing to sell any of them and planned to keep them for myself. However, my father took away five of them." At this point, Feng Hua was very depressed.

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