chapter 58 reconciliation

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Chapter 58

  Murong Jin walked into the screen with gentle steps. Looking at his partner who was lying calmly on the bed, leaving him with only the back of his head, Murong Jin frowned and carefully came to the bedside and sat down.

  Murong Jin sat by the bed and waited for a stick of incense, but the person on the bed did not react at all, nor did he mean to look back at him. Didn't even move.

  Murong Jin climbed onto the bed, lay down beside Shen Xuyao, stretched out his arms and hugged his partner from behind. At this moment, he was terrified in his heart, afraid that the other party would say cruel words, afraid of being rejected and kicked out of the house.

  Lowering his head and looking at the hands wrapped around his waist, Shen Xuyao was silent for a while. He didn't know what to say. The matter of wearing a book was too unbelievable. He was afraid that Murong Jin wouldn't believe him if he told him. Moreover, if he tells the truth about the book, what will his wife think of him as a "monster"? Will he be scared away? Can their relationship withstand such consumption?

  "Xu Yao..."

  Pressing it against the man's ear, Murong Jin trembled his lips. He gently called his lover's name.

  He heard the cry in his lover's tone, and sensitively sensed the uneasiness in his voice. Shen Xuyao sighed faintly, raised his hand, and rubbed the back of his lover's hand. "open."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was startled, but he still retracted his hand obediently.

  Turning over, Shen Xuyao looked at his lover. Being looked at so carefully by his lover, Shen Xuyao felt very uncomfortable. He lowered his head and kissed the other person's forehead with pity. "Sorry, I didn't have a good attitude just now."

  Hearing the man's apology, Murong Jin's eyes turned red. He shook his head hastily. "No, no, you have nothing bad, you are the best, the best. It's my fault, I shouldn't make you angry."

  Lowering his head, looking at his lover who was secretly wiping tears into his arms, Shen Xuyao raised his hand and rubbed his lover's long hair. "Murong, I have something to tell you."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin raised his head and looked at the other party suspiciously.

  Obviously feeling that the arms around his waist tightened a bit, Shen Xuyao knew that his lover was disturbed. He was afraid, afraid that he would break up, afraid of being kicked out of the house by him.

  Raising his hand, Shen Xuyao gently wiped away the tears on his lover's face with the pad of his thumb.

  The man's movements were very light and gentle, making Murong Jin feel inexplicably at ease. The hand also relaxed a little unconsciously.

  "Murong, what I want to tell you is that after I advance to the third level, I will kill Wang Yunzhan."

  Looking at his lover who had a serious face and didn't look like he was joking at all, Murong Jin was stunned. "Why? Do you have any enmity with Uncle San?"

  "The hatred is as deep as the sea!" At this point, Shen Xuyao's entire face became distorted. That bastard tortured Murong Jin for five years and almost tortured Murong Jin to death. How could he tolerate such a person? How could he not avenge this?

  When Wang Yunzhan was mentioned, the murderous intent in the man's eyes almost turned into reality. His whole face was distorted, his blood was gushing, and the veins on his forehead were prominent. What hatred is this!

  "Does he have anything to do with your mother's death? Could it be that he joined forces with Jiang Shanshan to kill your mother?" Thinking of this, Murong Jin's expression also became very ugly. Xu Yao has been dependent on his mother since he was a child and was raised by his mother. If his third uncle is really the murderer of his mother, then Xu Yao will definitely not let his third uncle go. The two of them will probably fight to the death!

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