Chapter 71 Josie Calls for Help

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Chapter 71 Josie Calls for Help

  After Josie recovered from his injury, the group of four left the small village. This time, Josie gave Kane a messenger jade pendant before leaving. In the future, it will be much easier for the two to communicate with each other.

  After the four Qiao Xi left, Murong Jin began to make poisonous powder and poisonous mist, Shen Xuyao began to refine various alchemical instruments, and Kane also began to make magic scrolls. All three are preparing to go to the secret realm.

  Four months passed in a blink of an eye, and Shen Xuyao's potions and alchemy instruments were all ready, and he gave half of them to his wife. Murong Jin's poison was also refined, and half of it was given to Shen Xuyao, who also refined a lot of antidotes for Shen Xuyao. And carefully labeled them all, for fear that Shen Xuyao would accidentally poison himself.

  The things made by Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin were all second-level. Kane couldn't use them, and he didn't ask for their poisons and potions. Kane made twenty third-level magic scrolls and kept them for his own use. In addition, He also made five second-level magic scrolls for Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin, keeping them for their self-defense.

  It seems that in another month and a half, the secret realm will be opened. The three of them were looking forward to and waiting for the secret realm to open. At this moment, Kane received a message from Qiao Xi, saying that he had met someone from the Xuanyuan family, so Shen Xuyao and his party hurried over to rescue them.

  Directly using the teleportation animal bone, Shen Xuyao and the others followed Qiao Xi's instructions and came to a forest. At this moment, Qiao Xi and the Xuanyuan family were already fighting. There are eight people in the Xuanyuan family, one third-level soul pet master and seven second-level soul pet masters. And he was the only one on Josie's side. Moreover, Qiao Xi was obviously seriously injured and was no match for the third-level soul pet master.

  Seeing that his lover was being beaten and defeated, Kane immediately went to help.

  I saw that the three of Shen Xuyao and Josie were in the same group. The other seven second-level soul pet masters also surrounded him.

  Looking at the seven people gathering here, Murong Jin immediately showed his sword. Get ready for battle.

  Shen Xuyao took out his card, waved his hand, and directly included the seven people into the card. These seven are all members of the Xuanyuan family, and the soul pet master of the big family is very likely to have a fourth-level soul ring. Therefore, Shen Xuyao did not want to give the other party a chance to use the soul ring, so he directly solved it with one move.

  After looking at the seven people who had disappeared, Murong Jin turned his head, glanced at the card in his lover's hand, and said to himself: This card is so useful! With one move, seven second-level soul pet masters were eliminated!

  "Little beast, what are you doing?"

  Hearing the roar of the Xuanyuan family's third-level soul pet master, Shen Xuyao frowned in displeasure, waved his sleeves, and released his Shadow Wolf.

  "Ouch..." With a roar, Feng Yinglang rushed towards the soul pet master.

  "Ah!" Seeing the Wind Shadow Wolf rushing up, the soul pet master hurriedly waved the sword in his hand to block the opponent's attack.

  This soul pet master is a martial artist, and his soul pet is a white dragon. At this moment, he is fighting with Kane. Kane has transformed into a petal dragon and is attacking the soul pet master's white dragon. And Qiao Xi used magic to transform into a black wolf, which was attacking the soul pet master himself.

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