Chapter 16 Shen Xuyao's Thoughts

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Chapter 16 Shen Xuyao's Thoughts

  In Shen Xuyao's room.

  Shen Xuyao was sitting cross-legged on the bed and was practicing. There were three largest pieces of spiritual jade beside him, and Xiaoyan was gnawing on the spiritual jade.

  Feeling that the aura was continuously being sent into his body by Xiaoyan, Shen Xuyao immediately performed the exercises to introduce the aura in his body into his dantian.

  "Oh, this spirit jade is really unpalatable." After eating, Xiaoyan sighed helplessly.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao shook his head again and again. "It's unpalatable, you still want to fight with Xiaolan? And fight with others because of this?"

  "No matter how bad it tastes, you bought it with money? Why did you give it?"

  Looking at Xiaoyan with an unconvinced expression on his face. Shen Xuyao sighed helplessly. "You, you are short-sighted. What's the big deal about money? It's not like you don't know how much money I have?"

  "Then, we are rich, so we can't give money to others?"

  "This is called investment. Xiaolan is a poisonous flower. It is very powerful to kill a large group of people with one spray of poisonous mist. If we have a good relationship with Xiaolan and his master, we can get an ally, one who can protect us In this way, when the Jiang family comes after us, at least we don’t have to fight alone, at least we are more likely to survive. Do you understand?”

  The villain's parents were killed by the hero's father. It can be said that the villain and the hero's father have a sworn feud. However, with the escalation of the plot, the villain will also have a lot of enmity with the hero and heroine. Shen Xuyao felt that it was a very wise choice to draw such a person as an ally to deal with the common enemy together.

  Hearing the master's words, Xiaoyan blinked his eyes. "is that so?"

  "Otherwise?" How dare you not believe what he said, your wings are really stiff.

  "Don't you dare say that you don't like Xiaolan's master. When you saw him, your eyes were straight. You were thinking in your heart, how wonderful it would be if you could find such a beautiful wife."

  Shen Xuyao was very embarrassed when his mind was exposed. His complexion also became extremely ugly.

  Looking at the master's appearance, Xiaoyan gloated a little. "Look, I hit the mark, right?"

  "Xiaoyan, have you heard a word?" Shen Xuyao asked coldly with narrowed eyes.

  "What?" Tilting his head, Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

  "The more you know, the faster you will die." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao picked up Xiaoyan. Hold each other's body tightly.

  "Oh, it hurts, it hurts, master, what are you doing?" Xiaoyan exclaimed, with a look of grievance on her face.

  "Remember, don't speak out what's in my heart, or I'll sew your mouth shut."

  Looking at the master with a distorted expression on his face, Xiaoyan nodded repeatedly. "Got it, got it, can't I stop talking about it in the future?"

  "Okay, let's practice here today, go back to sleep!"

  "Oh!" Responding, Xiao Yan seemed to be pardoned, and immediately went back to Shen Xuyao's sea of consciousness, and fled quickly.

  Sitting on the bed and taking a while, Shen Xuyao lay down on the bed with a normal expression just now, and covered himself with a quilt.

  Shen Xuyao was a boyfriend in modern times, but it's a pity that he has lived for twenty-eight years and has never found a suitable boyfriend. In the end, he died in a car accident, and he was still a poor single dog when he died.

  When he saw the villain today, he was really amazed. Therefore, he also came up with the idea of finding a wife. There are twins in this place, and you can look for a male daughter-in-law openly, without being as sneaky as in modern times. But the problem is, you can't find a villain when looking for a wife? In the original book, whoever had thoughts about the villain was poisoned to death in the end. so……

  Thinking of the handsome face of the villain, and those people who were poisoned to death by the villain, Shen Xuyao sighed. He admitted that he was Yangou, he admitted that he fell in love with the villain at first sight, oh no, it can also be said that he fell in love with the villain.

  In modern times, love at first sight and lust at first sight are often equated. But no matter a man or a woman, if you see someone for the first time and you can't even think about him at all, will you pursue him? If there is no pursuit, then how can we talk about love? So, in the matter of feelings, it should start with a desire for sex and end with a soft spot .

  I liked you at first because I fell in love with you at first sight and fell in love with your face. Later, in getting along, slowly fall in love with your strengths and accept your shortcomings. Appreciate your abilities, adapt to your personality, and slowly discover that you are unique and irreplaceable.

  The villain is indeed very handsome, with picturesque eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, overpowering country and city, and peerless elegance, which fits all of Shen Xuyao's aesthetics very well. It is also the appearance of his ideal other half. However, pursuing him is really stressful! People spend money to fall in love, if he wants to fall in love with the villain, he might die.

  After thinking about it for a long time, Shen Xuyao felt that the risk of falling in love was too high, and it would be better to be an ally. We all have the same enemies and the same goals. In the future, we will definitely be able to cooperate tacitly, which is not as dangerous as falling in love.

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