Chapter 110 Be your canary

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Chapter 110 Be your canary

  After listening to his lover's narration, Murong Jin sighed again and again. "It's a pity! Zicuckoo is also a hard-working person!"

  "Actually, she had been determined to die early in the morning. She knew that she only had the strength of the third level. It would be extremely difficult to kill Zhang Yue, the fourth-level soul pet master. She also knew that even if she didn't die, she would be wanted by the Zhang family." Catch, so, she never thought of being alive from the beginning."

  "Although Zijuan's death is a bit regrettable, her death is also a good thing for you. When she died, no one would know that it was you who helped her avenge her. It's just that the fifth young master of the Zhang family Zhang Ye knows that you and Zijuan are acquainted. You are right to disguise yourself. This way is safer." After thinking about it, Murong Jin felt that what his lover did was very correct.

  "Zhang Ye is dead too!" Shen Xuyao sneered when talking about this matter.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was taken aback for a moment. "What, Zhang Ye is dead too?"

  "Yes, not long after his second brother Zhang Yue died, Zhang Ye died." When he heard the news, Shen Xuyao bought a jug of wine specially, and had a drink or two at home to celebrate.

  "How did you die?" Murong Jin was very curious about this.

  "Lu Feifei killed her. She said that she wanted to go out to practice, and Zhang Ye accompanied her to practice. After that, Lu Feifei went to Zhang Ye at night. First, she stunned him with the rice stun potion, and then directly killed him. He escaped using teleportation animal bones." This matter was widely spread in restaurants and teahouses in the town, and Shen Xuyao knew it without even asking.

"It was actually killed by Lu Feifei! So, the two sons of Zhenzhu Zhang died at the hands of women?"

  "Yes, but I think that Zhang Ye deserves to die just like his second brother. Although this man is not lecherous, he has a bad temper and a surly temper. Moreover, he has a pathological possessive desire for Lu Feifei. He does not allow any man Appeared within ten meters of Lu Feifei. It is said that many male soul pet masters who have been to Lu's business have been beaten severely. Before, a craftsman went to Lu's business to sell magic weapons, because of many Lu Feifei said a few words, but in the end, she was beaten to death by Zhang Ye's guards. If, after I left Lu's Firm for the first time, I didn't teleport away in time. If, when I was in the rouge shop for the second time, There is no Zicuckoo to save me. Maybe I will be beaten to death by him." Speaking of this, Shen Xuyao was afraid for a while.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin's face changed. "It turns out this person is so vicious!"

  "Yes, Lu Feifei killed him for no reason. I don't think any woman or twins can accept such a man. He will always watch you and won't let you talk to strangers, even You do business well, even if you go to buy a rouge, he will follow. Which woman can bear this kind of man?"

  Hearing what his lover said, Murong Jin somewhat disagreed. "Actually, I think Lu Feifei still doesn't love Zhang Ye. If she loved Zhang Ye, she would take the initiative to stay away from other men and try not to go to crowded places. For her lover, she would be willing to be a caged animal. The canary in the tree."

  Looking at his serious lover, Shen Xuyao smiled. "So, you're willing to be my canary."

  Meeting the man's gentle gaze, Murong Jin smiled. "Well, I'll be your canary. Stay away from all men and women so that you won't be sad." The way her lover handled the Zijuan matter made Murong Jin feel particularly considerate. Therefore, Murong Jin felt that he should also keep a distance from all men and women for the sake of Xu Yao. Don't make your lover sad.

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