Chapter 192 Colorful Feather Phoenix

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Chapter 192 Colorful Feather Phoenix

  Seeing Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin appear, the soul pet masters in the studio immediately surrounded them, and the number of them has changed from three to thirteen.

  "How did you get in?"

  "Did you get any opportunities in the murals?"

  "Yes, hand over the opportunity."

  "Hand over the opportunity."

  Looking at the vicious soul pet masters who surrounded him, Murong Jin sneered. "Do you want a chance? But there is only one chance? Then who shall I give it to?"

  "What did you say?"

  "I said there is only this one box, who should I give it to you?" As he spoke, Murong Jin took out a palm-sized box and threw it out of the hall door.

  Seeing this scene, everyone immediately ran out to pick up the treasure box. Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao left directly using spiritual words.

  When everyone rushed towards it, someone grabbed the box and opened it, and streams of blue poisonous smoke immediately came out.

  "Ah, it's poisonous, run, run!"

  "Poisonous, poisonous!" Everyone exclaimed and immediately ran outside the yard.

  Shen Xuyao and Murong teleported to the ninth side hall this time. This side hall is empty. There is no furniture or any decorations in the palace. Therefore, there are no other soul pet masters here.

  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin came to the east wall and checked the mural on the wall. The mural depicts an ordinary poplar forest. In the poplar forest, there are nine monsters, namely the golden-haired lion beast, the silver-haired lion beast, and the silver-haired lion beast. Horned beast, tin beast, black tiger, colorful feathered phoenix, two-headed snake, white elephant, one-horned red fox and a red-haired ape.

  Looking over the nine monster beasts one by one, Shen Xuyao's eyes fell on the silver-horned beast, because only this silver-horned beast had no eyes. "Point of interest!"

  After hearing Shen Xuyao's words, Xiaoyan flew out and lit the eyes of the silver-horned beast.

  The silver-horned beast had eyes, and it seemed to be alive. It moved, and the silver horns above its head emitted streaks of silver light. The silver light enveloped Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin, and they were involved in the mural. among.

  The scene in front of them flashed, and Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin arrived outside the woods.

  "Xu Yao, there are nine monsters here, it's difficult to deal with them!" Thinking of this, Murong Jin couldn't help but frowned.

  "Murong, set up the tent and I'll set up the formation. We'll stay here tonight. My spiritual speech skills have been used up." At this point, Shen Xuyao was helpless.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded. "I understand." Four times of spiritual speech, two teleportations, and two eyes have been used up, so now their safest refuge is this world of murals.

  This time, Shen Xuyao did not arrange a protective formation, but a killing array. He used homemade animal skin flags to set up a sword formation, and then used feathers as tall as a person to set up a flame formation, used magic swords to set up a thunder and lightning formation, and used monster bones to set up an ice formation. . Four formations were arranged around the tent. Made layers of protection.

  After Shen Xuyao's formation was set up, Murong Jin's tent was already ready. The two of them sat outside the tent and cooked dinner together.

  "Xu Yao, what do you think the spiritual treasure in this mural is?"

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