Chapter 196 Blue Water Spring

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Chapter 196 Blue Water Spring

  The family had a happy lunch. After the meal, everyone came to the blue spring pool to check out.

  "This is a blue water spring, and its quality is higher than our spiritual water. However, it is not recommended to combine it with spiritual water. Because, in that case, the two springs will affect each other's effectiveness." Fan'er explained carefully.

  After glancing at Xiao Yan and listening to the other party's professional explanation, Shen Xuyao nodded. He took out the small tripod that the Wu brothers had used to hold the Jiuyou Spring water, and directly took away the blue water spring. Shen Xuyao took out the card and sealed the small tripod just now. Everyone returned to the side hall.

  Looking at the side hall that was still empty. Shen Xuyao smiled helplessly. Looked at the others. "The two places we will go to next, one is the main hall and the other is the sleeping hall, are the most crowded places in this ruins. I hope you will be mentally prepared."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin's expression changed. "The main hall and the sleeping hall?"

  "Yes, those two places are the only ones left. I have been to other places." At this point, Shen Xuyao was also helpless. If he had a choice, he did not want to go to crowded places.

  "What are you afraid of? There are no powerful soul pet masters." Xiao Cai didn't care about this.

  "That's right, the Moon Shadow Mountain Range is a medium-sized monster mountain. Generally, those who experience it are fourth-level and fifth-level soul pet masters. This ruin has only been opened for four days. Many sixth-level and seventh-level soul pet masters are still there. I didn't get the news, or I got the news, but I haven't rushed over yet." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao talked about the situation here.

  "If that's the case, it's not a big problem. Sister Xiaocai and I can block those soul pet masters." After thinking about it, Xiaobai said so.

  "Xu Yao, let's hurry up and don't wait until those city lords and town lords arrive. By then, we will be in trouble." Thinking of this, Murong Jin immediately urged.

  "Okay, let's go to the dormitory." As he said that, Shen Xuyao used the spirit word technique to teleport everyone directly to the dormitory.

  At the moment, more than thirty soul pet masters gathered in the dormitory. Seeing Shen Xuyao's four masters and servants, the others were astonished.

  "Bold, who let you in, this is the place our Zhang family discovered first, you get out of here."

  "Yes, you all get out of here!"

  "Get out!"

  Hearing these words, the little girl became angry at that time. "You, what kind of bitches are you? This is my master's palace and my home. You are a bunch of shameless bandits. You came to my house to steal things, and you even licked your face and said this is your territory. How shameless are you? ah?"

  "That's right, this is where Xiaobai and I are. Who are you guys?" Widening her eyes, Wucai Yufeng was not happy anymore. After all, she was once a part of this family, and she also felt that these people were shameless.

  Hearing what the two said, Shen Xuyao touched his nose in embarrassment. So, is he also a member of a group of robbers who come to people's houses to steal things? It’s really embarrassing to think about it!

  Hearing this, everyone looked at the two in astonishment. "Who are you?"

  "Yes, who are you?"

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