Chapter 69 Meeting an old friend in the Five Poison Valley

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Chapter 69 Meeting an old friend in the Five Poison Valley

  The next day, Murong Jin left alone and rushed to the Valley of Five Poisons. Before leaving, Kane gave Murong Jin three second-level magic scrolls, and Shen Xuyao also gave him a bunch of magical weapons for self-defense.

  This is Murong Jin's first visit to the Valley of Five Poisons in his seventeen years of existence. When he was young, he only heard his mother mention it. It is said that there are many poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds growing in the Five Poison Valley. It is a paradise for poison refiners. You can find any materials you want to make poisons here.

  At that time, when he heard his mother say this, Murong Jin yearned for the Valley of Five Poisons very much. However, after his parents died, it was impossible for a child of Murong Jin to trek across mountains and rivers to come to the Valley of Five Poisons. If this time, without the company of his lover and Kane, maybe Murong Jin would not have the courage to come all the way to the Valley of Five Poisons.

  Walking into the valley, Murong Jin found that the valley was filled with a very thick black poisonous mist. Taking out a small gourd from the space ring, Murong Jin opened the small gourd and absorbed some poisonous mist into his gourd, intending to take it back to make poison beads.

  After standing there for half an hour, until the gourd was full, Murong Jin closed the lid and put it away carefully. This gourd was specially refined for him by his lover to help him collect poisonous mist and venom. For his trip to the Five Poison Valley, Xu Yao specially refined ten such small gourds for him. There are superimposed formations on the small gourds. Even though the small gourds are only the size of a palm, their internal capacity is comparable to that of a bathtub. capacity. Can hold a lot of things. Xu Yao is always so attentive and meticulous in his own affairs. This made Murong Jin feel warm, sweet and extremely happy every time she thought of him.

  Continue walking forward and look at the black ink grass growing under the trees. Looking at the five-color poisonous mushrooms on the side, Murong Jin smiled from ear to ear. Mom really didn’t lie to me. There are so many poisonous plants here. If you look at them casually, you can see a lot of poisonous plants.

  Walking over, Murong Jin immediately picked those poisonous plants. As long as they were useful, Murong Jin would not let go of any of them. He would pick them and put them into his own space ring. In order to come here, Xu Yao specially gave them to He refined two special space rings, both of which were large in capacity and could hold as many poisonous plants as he wanted to pick.

  The large number of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds in the Five Poison Valley made Murong Jin feel as happy as if he was in heaven, so Murong Jin lived a life of picking poisonous plants every day in the Five Poison Valley. Because there are too many poisonous plants here and the poisonous fog is thick, there are very few monsters in the Five Poison Valley, and most of the monsters are poisonous. For Murong Jin, those poisonous spiders and centipedes were an opportunity and could be used to make poison.

  On this day, Murong Jin was picking an extremely poisonous flower in a forest. Suddenly, he felt other soul pet masters approaching. So Murong Jin immediately became alert and released his soul pet Xiao Hei. Quickly put a few beautiful smiles into the space ring.

  "Who are you? Hand over the five beauties."

  Hearing the woman's domineering voice, Shen Xuyao raised his head, and saw one woman, two men and three soul pet masters appearing in front of him. These three people are all second-level soul pet masters. The female soul pet master in the lead is at the peak of the second-level soul pet master, and the two male soul pet masters behind them are at the mid-level of the second-level soul pet master.

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