Chapter 150 Millennium stone milk

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Chapter 150 Millennium stone milk

  After receiving the prescription, Pharmacist Liu did not leave in a hurry, but stayed in Hongye Town for another five days. He saw that all three patients in Jiangyuan were getting better, and their soul pets were also getting better day by day. Got up, and the three soul pet masters didn't show any discomfort or discomfort. He left with a group of people satisfied.

  Yaoshi Liu and his party left, and the Xu family returned to its former peace. When they were sitting together for dinner, Xu Ye couldn't help but sighed. "Hey, Liu Changhe came here, and our family lost 50 million yuan! Sure enough, pharmacists are very profitable!"

  Hearing this, Xu Hong smiled. "It's not fifty million, it's just twenty-five million."

  After getting such an answer, Xu Ye couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "Is it only half? Half of the price, Jiang Yuan will agree even if he wants money? Impossible? That guy will agree."

  Seeing his younger brother in disbelief, Xu Hong showed an inscrutable smile.

  "Brother, how did you do it? How did you convince Jiang Yuan?"

  "Yes, didn't you say that Jiang Yuan loves money like his life? How did you persuade him?" The town owner's wife was also very confused about this.

  After looking at his mother, brother and sister, Xu Hong looked at his father.

  Meeting his son's gaze, Town Master Xu smiled. "The price you told Jiang Yuan was not 50 million, but 30 million?"

  "Indeed, I told him 30 million and asked him to give me a commission of 5 million."

  "Hey, brother, you are really cunning! You actually only spent 25 million, but you told Liu Yaoshi that you spent 50 million. Let him owe his father a big favor!"

  "No, brother, you are really cunning!"

  Hearing this, Xu Hong smiled disapprovingly. "Businessmen, of course they want to calculate profits."

  "Jiang Yuan gave you five million?" The town owner didn't quite believe it.

  "No, I was given a potion worth five million, and fifty remote potions. I'm thinking about holding an auction after a while to sell the potions in my hand." After thinking about it, Xu Hong said .

  "That's pretty much it. I knew that boy wouldn't be able to give you the spirit stone. He's an iron cock that can only get in and out!"

  Hearing his father's words, Xu Hong smiled. "That guy really insisted on it. I asked him for a share of 10 million, but he said nothing and gave me 5 million, and he still gave me medicine."

"Brother, are the two soul-replenishing potions you gave to Pharmacist Liu before also your share?"

  After glancing at his second brother who was questioning him, Xu Hong nodded. "Yes, Jiang Yuan gave me a total of fifty rare potions, and those two were among them. That potion was the potion that cured the three soul pet masters. I knew that Master Liu would be interested, so I gave it to him. ”

  "So that's it. In this way, our family's loss is not too great!"

  "Don't worry, I will find a way to get the 30 million from Jiang Yuan in a few days." At this point, Xu Hong smiled.

  "It's not easy to let an iron rooster pluck its feathers!" Xu Ye felt that this matter was very difficult!

  After hearing what his eldest son said, Town Master Xu smiled. "Then what does the boy want?"

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