Chapter 188 Moon Palace

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Chapter 188 Moon Palace

  There are a lot of fourth-level monsters here on No. 10 Fairy Mountain, and they are not very powerful, and there are also many third-level monsters. It can be said that this mountain is really suitable for Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin to practice hunting.

  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin stayed on Mountain No. 10 for another half a year. During this period, Xu Hong came again. Shen Xuyao gave him some more medicine and sent him away.

  On this day, as usual, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin left the cave after breakfast, intending to find today's prey, but before they could go far, they felt that the No. 10 mountain under their feet began to shake violently. It shook.

  "What's going on? Is the earth dragon turning over?"

  Seeing his lover's frightened look, Shen Xuyao pursed his lips. "Let's go, let's teleport to Mountain No. 12 first." With that said, Shen Xuyao took out the teleportation beast bone and teleported directly to Mountain No. 12.

  Standing on the top of the mountain, Shen Xuyao has been looking at No. 10 mountain all the time, and Murong Jin is also looking in the direction of No. 10 mountain curiously.

  The earthquake on Mount Ten lasted about three hours. Only then did it slowly stabilize.

  Feeling that there was no movement on the ground, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin to use the teleportation animal bone, and teleported back to No. 10 Lingshan.

  At this moment, the No. 10 spirit stone was divided into two, turning into a valley.

  "I didn't expect it to turn out like this!" Murong Jin couldn't help but sigh when he found that many monsters were injured, or fell directly to their deaths, and that their previous caves were also missing.

  "Go down quickly, there are ruins below." As he said that, Xiaoyan jumped out of Shen Xuyao's sea of consciousness excitedly.

  After glancing at Xiao Yan, Shen Xuyao looked at Murong Jin. "Murong, Sky Moon Bird."

  "Oh!" After being stunned for a moment, Murong Jin nodded immediately and released the Sky Moon Bird.

  The couple jumped on the back of Tianyue Bird, rode Tianyue Bird, and flew down the valley together. There were many gravels in the valley, and there were many monster corpses and soul pet masters that fell down before they could escape in time. corpses, and in the depths of the valley, a row of palaces stands majestically. Shrouded in a purple protective shield.

  Sitting on Tianyueniao's back, looking down at the magnificent palace, Shen Xuyao couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Yuehua Palace, he had been waiting for a year, and finally he got it.

  "A lot of palaces? Besides, these palaces are very magnificent. This should be a relic of the great power!" Exclaimed, Murong Jin didn't expect that he just came out to practice, but he didn't expect that the practice turned into a place for treasure hunting. trip. I unexpectedly found such a relic.

  Before coming to the palace, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin jumped to the ground, and Murong Jin put away the Tianyue Bird.

  After carefully examining the protective shield, Shen Xuyao couldn't help but frown. "This protective formation has a very high level!"

  "It's a seventh-level protective formation, but for me, it's a piece of cake." At this point, Xiaoyan, who originally maintained the appearance of a golden ginseng, turned into a blue paintbrush, flew over, and painted on the formation. With a light swipe, the protective cover was broken.

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