Chapter 28 Murong Xiaodie

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Chapter 28 Murong Xiaodie

  The five members of Murong's family left the jade shop and heard the discussions of those guys. This made the faces of the five people very ugly.

  "This group of hateful bastards, I'll kill them!" Enraged, Murong Xiaodie stopped in her tracks, and wanted to go back to settle accounts with those guys.

  "Xiao Die, don't be impulsive. This is not our Murong family's territory, so don't make trouble."

  Hearing this, Murong Xiaodie glanced at the third brother who was speaking. The third brother Murong Ding has the strength in the middle stage of the second level, and is also the strongest among the five of them. He is the leader of their going out to practice this time, so everyone must listen to the third brother.

  "Third Brother, I can't swallow this breath." Having said this, Murong Xiaodie gritted her teeth, her little face was already livid with anger.

  Looking at the angry Murong Xiaodie, Murong Ding frowned. "If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it. This is Ping'an Town. The town owner here is a third-level soul pet master, and there is a no-killing order here. If you kill people and make trouble here, we will be in trouble."

  Being reprimanded by her third cousin, Murong Xiaodie stomped her feet fiercely, and could only turn around and continue walking.

  The group of five continued to walk forward, and the fourth child looked at his third brother. "Third brother, who do you think those two are? They are so shabby in clothes, but they are so rich in money. Once they bought it, they bought sixty-eight pieces of jade?"

  "It should be the local rich man of Ping'an Town!" After thinking for a while, Murong Ding felt that the other party should be the son of a big family in Ping'an Town.

  "That's not necessarily true, maybe it's the trustee in the shop?"

  Hearing Fifth Younger Sister's narrow words, Murong Ding shook his head. "It's not Trust, it should be a frequent customer."

  "Yeah, didn't those guys also say, are they regular customers?"

  "I think those two people are quite strange. Since they are so rich, why don't they dress better? Do they have to make themselves so shabby?" Shaking his head, the fourth child said respectfully and thankfully.

  Hearing this, Murong Ding laughed. "Maybe it's just to give people the feeling of an outsider?"

  In the mainland of soul pet masters, there are many powerful soul pet masters who like to live in seclusion, and like to make themselves look like poor and down-and-out, saying that they have the air of a worldly expert. Moreover, according to Murong Ding's knowledge, there are not a few soul pet masters who have this habit.

  "An expert from the outside world, what kind of quirk is this? Is it the same as Grandpa Mu? Instead of wearing silk and satin, he insists on wearing coarse linen clothes, making himself look like a beggar, and still feels that he is an outsider. "Actually, it's a fool.

  Hearing Liu Mei's ridicule, Murong Ding frowned. "Don't talk nonsense. Grandpa Mu is a fourth-level soul pet master, and you can't make judgments." You can think so in your heart, but you can't say such words casually, otherwise, it will be easy for a fourth-level strong of revenge. After all, this is the land of soul pet masters who respect martial arts. These first-level and second-level soul pet masters are not qualified to speak ill of fourth-level soul pet masters behind their backs.

  "Oh!" After being reprimanded by the third brother, the sixth child immediately responded.

  "Hmph, what's the big deal, isn't it just two soul pet masters with eccentricities? That shopkeeper is so flattering, it makes me sick to think about it." Speaking of this, Murong Xiaodie gritted her teeth.

  The five brothers and sisters are the young master and young miss of the Murong family. How did they become despised existences when they came to this dilapidated place? What's so great about those two soul pet masters, isn't it just that they have some bad money?

  Thinking of Yinzi, Murong Xiaodie couldn't help being jealous. Murong Xiaodie is the seventh daughter of the Murong family. Although she looks glamorous on the surface, in reality her monthly allowance is only one thousand taels. Murong's family has a great career, and in her generation, there are thirty-two descendants from the descendants, concubines, and good qualifications, who came to the family from side branches. And the monthly distribution is not based on status, but on cultivation qualifications. The better the aptitude, the more monthly routines and training resources from various families can get, while the lower the aptitude, the less they can get.

  Murong Xiaodie's aptitude is not very good, so the monthly cases she got in the family are pitifully small. She is nineteen years old this year, but her strength is still stuck in the late level one. Suddenly seeing two soul pet masters who are younger than herself, stronger than herself, and have more money than herself, how can she not be jealous?

  Hearing this, Murong Ding gave Murong Xiaodie a disdainful look. Heart said: With your rotten aptitude that can't be supported by mud, do you have the guts to disgust others? It would be nice not to be disgusted by people.

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