Chapter 80 Colorful Golden Lotus

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Chapter 80 Colorful Golden Lotus

  The three of Shen Xuyao found a hidden place, built a tent, and arranged a protective formation for Murong Jin to heal his injuries.

  Back in the tent, Shen Xuyao stripped off all the clothes on Murong Jin's body, checked carefully from head to toe, and saw that there were many marks of bites and bruises on his lover's body. There were several wounds. Shen Xuyao was very distressed, and hurriedly helped his daughter-in-law deal with her injuries.

  Looking at her lover who was sitting by the bed with an unusually gloomy face, silently treating his wounds, Murong Jin raised the corners of his mouth and showed a weak smile. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you and you'll be fine."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at the other party, raised his hand, and touched his lover's pale cheek with distress. He leaned forward and kissed the other person's forehead. "It will hurt my heart if you get hurt."

  "Well, I will protect myself from now on. I won't let myself get hurt again."

  "Okay!" After taking care of Murong Jin's injuries, Shen Xuyao took out clean clothes and put them on his lover.

  Murong Jin smiled as he looked at his lover lying next to him, holding him in his arms. "Xuyao, I found a lot of good things. There are a lot of medicinal materials, monsters, and a bead, which seems to be called a blue cloud bead." As he said, Murong Jin took the medicinal materials, the blue cloud bead and the blue cloud bead he found. The cloud liquid was taken out.

  Seeing Lan Yunzhu, Shen Xuyao was slightly stunned. Blue cloud beads? Is this an opportunity between the male protagonist and the female protagonist? Its grade is even higher than the amethyst fruit he found! Unexpectedly, Murong Jin found him.

  In the original book, Murong Jin was eighteen years old this year and was imprisoned by Wang Yunzhan. Therefore, Murong Jin never came to this secret realm, nor did he find Lan Yunzhu. As a result, now, because of the flapping of his butterfly wings, Murong Jin came to the secret realm, and also found an opportunity for the male protagonist and the female protagonist. Sure enough, the villain, the male protagonist, and the female protagonist are naturally incompatible with each other.

  "Murong, give me all the medicinal materials. I will refine the medicine for you, and keep the blue cloud liquid for Xiaolan. But, don't give it to Xiaolan for now. Wait a little longer, until the amethyst fruit in my space is ripe , after I refine the Amethyst Potion, you will retreat. At that time, there will be Blue Cloud Liquid, Amethyst Potion, Tianyuan Potion, and other auxiliary potions and spiritual water in the space. It will be a matter of course for you to advance to the third level. "After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao said this.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin frowned. "Xu Yao, you advance to level three first, and I will protect you."

  "No, my foundation is not as strong as yours. You started to practice at the age of five, and your strength has been cultivated a little bit. And my strength is piled up with spirit treasures and potions. Therefore, I plan to settle down and stabilize my strength. Try to advance to the third level to avoid having an unstable foundation in the future and affecting your potential." Shen Xuyao is very aware of his situation. He knew that his strength was built purely from spiritual treasures and potions. If he didn't settle down now, there would definitely be hidden dangers in the future.

  Murong Jin was startled when he heard his lover's words. Indeed, Xu Yao's strength has improved rapidly in recent years, and his level is indeed not stable. If he is in a hurry to advance now, it may not be a good thing for him.

  "That's the decision, you advance first. After another eight months, when the amethyst fruit matures, you will retreat and advance." Said, Shen Xuyao took away the medicinal materials collected by his lover. He stuffed the two buckets of blue cloud liquid back into his lover's space ring.

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