Chapter 29 Two-Winged Tiger

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Chapter 29 Two-Winged Tiger

  After Shen Xuyao and Murong Jincai finished shopping, they rode to Xishan Mountain. At the foot of West Mountain, Shen Xuyao put the horse into the animal bag, and followed Murong Jin up the mountain.

  The specific location of the Tianyuan fruit in Xishan was mentioned in the original book, so Shen Xuyao knew the location of the fruit tree. However, according to the original book, the fruit on the fruit tree should not mature for two years. If it is found, Shen Xuyao plans to directly collect the fruit tree into his ring space. The spiritual energy in the space of the ring is very strong, and he can use spiritual water to irrigate the fruit trees, shortening the maturity period of the fruit trees. In this case, the fruit should mature in a few months in less than two years. When the fruit is ripe, he just breaks through the second level.

  The two of them walked all the way forward, and encountered a black bear beast at the end of the first level along the way. Shen Xuyao showed his silver spear and attacked the black bear. He already had some hunting experience, so this time, Shen Xuyao didn't fight so embarrassingly as he did before when he killed the pig with teeth.

  Seeing Shen Xuyao who easily dealt with a black bear with just one sniper. Murong Jin gave him an appreciative look. "Good fight, no injuries, right?"

  "It's okay!" After saying that, Shen Xuyao put away the black bear's body, took out the water bag, drank two mouthfuls of the diluted spiritual water, replenished his strength, and continued walking with Murong Jin.

  Glancing at Shen Xuyao, Murong Jin was a little worried about him. "Aren't you tired, why don't we rest for a while?"

  "Not tired, let's go further and see if there are any other medicinal materials or spiritual fruits." Seeing that the opportunity is right in front of him, how could Shen Xuyao feel tired?

  Seeing Shen Xuyao's insistence, Murong Jin didn't say anything more, so he had to follow Shen Xuyao to continue walking.

  Shen Xuyao dealt with all the first-level monsters encountered along the way. Murong Jin never got a chance to make a move. The two walked into a ginkgo forest. Shen Xuyao stopped and found an open space. He put the bear's body he had just hunted on the open space. Then, he hid with Murong Jin.

  Looking at the person squatting beside him, Murong Jin looked confused. "Xu Yao, what are you doing?"

  "Fishing, I smeared the poisonous powder that Xiaolan gave me on the bear's corpse. With that bear's corpse, we can catch big fish." Shen Xuyao used voice transmission for this. If you want to get Tianyuan fruit, you must kill the two-winged tiger that guards the fruit tree.

  According to the original book, two years later, this two-winged tiger will be at the late stage of the second level, but I don't know what its strength is now. However, Shen Xuyao guessed that the Winged Tiger's worst strength should be the middle stage of the second level, so it should not be underestimated!

  Hearing this, Murong Jin raised his eyebrows. What kind of fish did Xu Yao want to catch with the corpse of a first-level monster? A second level monster? Level 2 monsters are hard to deal with!

  The two of them waited for almost half an hour, and then they saw a big fiery red tiger with a pair of black wings flying over from a distance. It looked around first, and saw that there were no other monsters, then lowered its head, and ate the bear's meat with great gusto.

  Seeing the tiger appear, Murong Jin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. I can't help feeling a little excited. In the middle stage of the second level, it is actually a monster in the middle stage of the second level! If he can hunt this monster, he can eat the meat of a second-level monster every day, then he is Dapu!

  In the past, Murong Jin had always lived and slept in the open, so he didn't dare to expect any second-level monster meat. However, since staying with Xuyao, he has eaten Lingmi and first-level monster meat for every meal. Such a good meal has made his strength improve very quickly, and he has tasted the sweetness. Animal meat is a great tonic for him, so Murong Jin is naturally very greedy.

  Looking at the person beside him who was eager to try, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Don't worry, when it becomes poisonous, you, Xiao Hei, Xiao Feng, the three of you will go up together."

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's voice transmission, Murong Jin glanced at him. Nodded in agreement. Xiao Hei is now at the early stage of the second level, Xiaofeng is at the late stage of the second level, and he is at the middle stage of the second level. If the three of them fight together, the odds of winning against a monster at the middle stage of the second level are still very high .

  After waiting for a while, seeing the poisonous two-winged tiger spit out black blood, Murong Jin rushed out with his own Xiao Hei and Shen Xuyao's Shadow of the Wind Wolf, and launched an attack on the two-winged tiger.


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