Chapter 12

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I saw her on the platform immediately. She was bouncing up and down as I came off the train and ran toward me. She squealed and jumped into my arms as I laughed, then kissed her roughly. "Fuck, I've missed you," I muttered in-between kisses. After several moments, I put her down and grabbed my suitcase in one hand as I held her hand with my other. "Lead the way, my love."

Avery giggled and we walked down the street a bit before she led me to a row of flats above some shops and a pub. "This is me. It's not much, but it gives me privacy so I can focus."

She unlocked the doors and led me into the room. My suitcase was quickly dropped and I grabbed her, pulling her against me. In moments, my coat and shirt were gone along with her sweater and bra. We stumbled backward until her legs hit the bed. I knelt before her, tugging her jeans and panties down before letting my tongue glide across her folds. "Victor," she moaned as her fingers dug into my scalp. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I continued to explore her core with my mouth. Her legs began to tremble as her orgasm built. She was crying out my name as her fluids rushed to my lips. I looked up at her and grinned. "Grá," she whispered and ran her hand over my jawline.

I stood and she tugged at my pants. "Are you sure?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Completely sure." We worked together to pull my pants down and I laid her on the bed, nudging her legs apart. She reached over to the table, grabbed a condom out of the drawer, and giggled, "See, completely sure."

"Hmm, seems some little girl had plans," I teased as I rolled on the condom, then stroked my cock along her already wet folds. "I hope I live up to your expectations," I grinned, then pushed forward as she whimpered. "Damn, Avery, you feel amazing," I moaned as I bottomed out inside of her. I pulled her leg up and began thrusting harder.

Her nails dug into my arms as she arched into my thrusts. "Victor, don't stop," she cried out. Our lips crashed together as I cut off her cries. When my lips traveled lower and latched onto her breast, she moaned. I felt her walls begin to tremble around me and I knew I wouldn't last if she came. It had been far too long.

I quickly pulled out and flipped her onto her stomach, then plunged back inside of her. Pushing her torso down as I lifted her ass, gave me a deeper angle that made her scream out my name. She gripped at the sheets as I continued to pound into her. Her words became incoherent as she came. I pulled out and placed her on her back again, then hovered over her. "I love you, Avery." Her hooded eyes met mine and she smiled, then let out a loud cry as I slammed back inside of her. "Avery!" I roared as she came again and I felt my orgasm break and filled the condom.

We were both panting as I reluctantly pulled out and disposed of the condom, then brought out a cloth to clean her with. She held her arms open to me and I climbed into the bed, pulling her close. "I love you, Victor," she whispered as she peppered my jaw with kisses. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too, baby. I love Luke and Erin, but it just isn't home without you," I told her as I stroked her hair and shoulder. "Speaking of Luke, he talked to his brother the other day. If you don't mind, North and Silas are going to come over for Christmas. I thought we might ask Owen and Sean to come as well. Unless you don't want company."

She gave a soft laugh, "I think it would be nice to see the houses full for a change. They weren't meant to be so empty."

I sighed, "Oh good because I could really use some of their plumbing skills. I may have caused a slight flood in the upstairs lavatory." She began laughing as I huffed, "I can't help it. These hands weren't meant for hard labor."

Avery rolled her eyes and snorted, "Not getting a big head again are ya?"

"And what if I am," I growled playfully.

She leaned up and straddled my waist, "Then I'll just have to kick your butt."

"Hmm, think you're big enough to take me, little girl?"

She began to grind her hips against my quickly hardening length and I moaned. "I think I have more than strength to fight with, grá." She leaned over and took out another condom and opened it.

"Gods, woman, you don't fight fair," I growled as she rolled it on my cock.

She lifted her hips and slowly lowered herself onto me as I gripped her hips and moaned, "You don't seem to be complaining."

"Fuck no," I breathed and slammed up hard, making her squeal. "I swear you're not going to be able to walk when I'm finished."

Her hazel eyes locked on mine, "Prove it, big boy." She placed her hands on my chest and began riding me as I bucked upwards. Damn, I love her.

We didn't see much of Dublin, but we did deplete her supply of condoms.


Luke laughed at me as I placed an ice pack on my crotch. "On the one hand, I want to congratulate you, on the other, I can't stop laughing. I can only imagine how poor Av is fairing walking to and from classes."

"I warned her, but our girl is a tad persistent," I chuckled. "Just wait, you'll see."

His cheeks flushed, "I haven't, um... not since Fiona."

"I hadn't in eight years."

"But you were married," he sputtered.

I snorted, "Yeah in a business arrangement. I tried at first, but Olivia made it abundantly clear she had no interest and never wanted biological children. She wanted us to adopt an orphan from another country for publicity." Luke frowned. "We only had sex twice and once was when we were both almost blackout drunk. When I asked her if she might be pregnant, she informed me that she'd had sterilization surgery just after we were married. Getting pregnant would ruin her figure, she said."

"Damn, Vic, I had no idea," Luke said and patted my shoulder. "Then again, I think you and Av made up for it in a single weekend."

I groaned and threw a pillow at him as he laughed hysterically. I smiled to myself though. He wasn't wrong.

Author's Notes:  Smut was needed  :P

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