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I watched our children running around the backyard as Avery played with them. Rose and Gavin were watching the water sprites with Erin who took her oldest sibling role quite seriously. Rose had her father's sparkling blue eyes and had also been born as a black dog. Gavin was just as sneaky as Luke, but no signs of his magical nature had appeared yet. Avery had whined during pregnancy about a fire-breathing baby. And while we all laughed at her goodnaturedly, I think in the back of our minds we were worried too. I know I'd caught Axel and North fireproofing the nursery and strategically placing extinguishers throughout the house.

Elijah had seamlessly melded into the family, and adult Aine's warning had been heeded. His gift of sight was just as strong as Brandon's. Of course, as the years passed, Gabe's words rang true. We all seemed to gain some touch of the others' magical abilities, yet remained strongest in our own true forms. His comment about a large family seemed to be coming to fruition as well. Less than a year after Rose and Gavin were born, she became pregnant again - yes with twins. Owen and I were over the moon at the birth of our daughters, Lela and Saige, three years ago.

"What's going on in that head of yours, husband?" Owen asked, taking my hand in his. He'd let his hair grow out and even the slightest shadow appeared on his face. Family life had mellowed my strict Mr. Blackbourne, and it was sexy as hell.

I pulled his hand to my lips, kissing his knuckles. "Just admiring our family and the life we've built. There was a time when I thought I'd end up alone, but now... Well, now, I can't imagine being anywhere else."

He gave me a full smile and laughed, "Oh, Sean, I would never have let you be alone, even back then. I may have been too insecure to admit my feelings, but I could never leave you for too long if you remember."

I grinned, knowing he was right. Even when our family had fractured, Owen and I never parted for long. "I love you, Owen."

With a wink, he replied, "I love you too, Sean."

I turned my head and watched my daughter Lela playing tag with her siblings. Aine had her hand as they ran from Connor and Elijah when she stopped for a moment and looked over her shoulder at me, making a motion with her hand for me to follow her and my heart stopped.

In an instant, I was back in that warzone meeting her hazel green eyes as she led me to Raven. I looked at Avery who gave me one of those, "I already know" expressions, then setting my drink down, I began to chase the little girl who had saved my life before she was even born. 

Author's Notes:  You didn't think I'd leave you hanging about the little girl, now did you?

Thanks for joining me on this new adventure.  What started as a simple romance quickly morphed into a fantasy adventure.  

I'm taking a bit of a writing break to address family matters.  Blessings, my lovelies ~ Eve

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