Chapter 43

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I did my best to stifle the chuckle as I watched Avery wince when she sat in the front seat of the car. Kota had left bruises on her pale skin, and then we had spent most of the night making love. He had left just after breakfast for his first class while we had a few hours left. She looked at her neck in the car mirror. "Feck, I look like I've been mauled by wild animals," she grumbled.

I ran my hand over one of the hickies, "I didn't hear you complaining last night." She blushed and gently pushed my hand away. "Matter of fact, I recall lots of moaning and begging." Avery groaned and rolled her eyes. "Ahh, Cariño, you protest, but you know you love it. Besides, Victor will be here this weekend and you'll just end up with more love bites."

Her face lit up at his name. Then she frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't, well, I haven't told them about us. What if they get mad?" she whispered.

I reached out and took her hand, "Cariño, Gabe is the one who kept telling me to pull my head out of my ass. I think they all saw it coming honestly. I was just the stubborn one as usual. Seems I'm always scared of my own shadow when it comes to romance." She gave me a hopeful look. "How about you call them after class, okay, or better yet, do a video chat."

She grinned and when the car stopped, she reached over and hugged me tightly. "Thank you for understanding!"

I hugged her back and kissed her cheek, "Always, baby. Now, let's get you to class." I stepped out and came around to open her door, then walked her to the classroom door. Once she was inside, I sat on a nearby bench. My phone camera was clicking away as I took dozens of surveillance photos of the area and the guy, Shane, who had creeped her out. Once he'd gone into the class, I began heading to the area where Megan had been attacked. I scoffed at the lack of Guarda presence. I think Kota was right and the university was trying to downplay it. There was no crime scene tape or barriers. Hell, students were walking all over the place, destroying any and all evidence that might still exist. I did my best to get photos, then headed to Kota's office.

"Nate, come on in," he said as I knocked lightly on the door. "Get anything?"

"About a hundred shots. Not sure if they'll be worth much, but at least I got some good angles of that guy Shane. He was chummy with another male student - tall, dark complexion, and a muscular build. He didn't go into the class with him at the same time, but a few minutes later. The alleged crime scene is a joke. They haven't closed it off at all. Any hope for evidence will be lost by now." I handed him my phone and he scrolled through, rubbing his chin in frustration.

"So do we think blind incompetence or a coverup?" he asked honestly.

"I'm thinking a bit of both. I'm going to send these to Owen. Maybe his guy can get something out of them. By the way, Avery was worried about the others being upset that I'm in the mix now. She's going to video call Victor after class," I told him.

He chuckled, "Yeah, I don't think they will be surprised. Guess North still gets to be last." My cheeks flushed and I groaned.


"Due to recent withdrawals, we will need to do some rearranging of our project groups. Please check the roster to see if your partners have changed," my professor said as she handed out the papers. I shivered when I noticed Megan's name had been removed and replaced with Mike Miller. Both Shane and Jennifer were still in the group with me. I looked around the room trying to figure out who this new guy was. I didn't remember hearing his name before, but then again, I didn't exactly pay much attention outside my projects. "In light of the changes, I'm giving you the remainder of the class to work with your new groups. Remember, the first draft is due next week. All projects must be submitted before the spring holiday."

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