Chapter 73

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It was like watching all the light vanish out of Avery. Isabelle met Nate in the foyer and they went into the dining hall to talk. Avery said she wanted to lay down so we headed up to the rooms, leaving Nate to handle his drama.

I followed her down the hall to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. "I can't ask him to choose," she whispered, "But how do I live with that woman in our lives?"

I don't think she was really talking to me so much as just voicing her fears, but I answered anyway. "If Jenny were still alive would you push Elijah away to keep Brandon from choosing?"

"Of course not," she said, her head snapping up.

I scooted closer to her, running my hand over her face, "And you won't push Nate away either. He chose you, Avery. If she is carrying his daughter then you will love her just like you love Erin and these little ones, and just like I know you're going to love Elijah. No, it won't be easy, but we will get through it, I promise."

Her watery eyes met mine, "Thank you, mo sholas." I tilted my head in confusion. She gave a soft giggle, "It means my light. You have a light in you, Corey. No matter what happened, you never gave up on Brandon, and now you aren't letting me give in to my fears."

I leaned closer to her, our lips brushing gently, "You're our light, Avery. It warms and surrounds us all, pulling us together." Before she could answer, I pressed my mouth to hers, a groan escaping my mouth. It was better than I'd imagined. Her lips felt like soft petals against mine, so silky and warm. My hand tangled in her hair as the kiss deepened until we were both breathless. Climbing into the bed, I pulled her close to my side. "Rest, angel. It will all be okay," I told her as she slowly began to relax.


I closed the door quietly after peeking in on Avery and Corey. They were both sound asleep in each other's arms. "I'm gonna go check on Nate. He's been down there quite a while now."

"I'll come with you," Kota said as we headed toward the door. We stepped into the elevator and Kota let out a sigh, "What do you think, man, could it be Nate's kid?"

I didn't want to say it, but I had to be honest. "It's a real chance. Hell, they were together for fucking years, Kota. I mean, yeah the last couple were rocky, but I'm sure they weren't exactly platonic."

"Shit. I don't know how either of them are gonna handle this," he muttered as the doors opened. We headed to the dining room but didn't see either of them.

A loud holler caught my attention, drawing it to the bar. Nate was yelling and throwing peanuts at the screen as the bartender berated him. "Oh fuck," I groaned. Kota and I exchanged worried looks as we came up behind him. "Hey man, what ya doing?" I asked him as Kota muttered to the bartender to cut him off permanently.

"Gabe!" Nate slurred, his eyes red-rimmed. "I fucked up, man. She's never gonna forgive me."

I reeled back from the smell of the whiskey on his breath. Kota handed him a glass of water. "Drink," he told Nate in a firm voice.

"Aww, Kota," he laughed as he tried to pinch Kota's cheeks. "I missed you all those years, man," Nate started to cry. "I can't do anything fucking right. Just like my old man...everything I touch turns to shit." We tried to calm him down, but he kept going, "She was pregnant in London." He pulled at my shirt, "Said she wanted to tell me's why she came at the last minute. Scared I'd tell her to get rid of it. Then I fucking threw her out. What kind of man does that to his pregnant girlfriend?"

"Nate, you didn't know," I tried telling him.

"Then I hook up with Avery, what like a month later? Now I got two kids on the do I choose?" He was rambling, almost falling off the barstool.

"What the hell are you talking about, Nate?" Kota snapped. "You're fucking married to Avery. There's nothing to choose. You can still be a father to both of the kids."

Nate shook his head dramatically, " Isabelle says she won't let me see her if I stay. Says she'll disappear...take my daughter with her."

"Of course, that fucking harpy would pull a stunt like that," I grunted, trying to lift Nate.

He pulled his head back, "Don't talk about the mother of my child like that."

"For fucks sake, Nate, a few hours ago you despised the woman, now you're fucking standing up for her? Hell, you don't even know if she's telling the truth!"

He made a choking sound, then reared his fist back and punched me in the face. I stumbled backward, letting him fall to the floor.

"Nate, what the fuck!" Kota roared, coming to help me.

"She said you'd say that...all of you would," he grumbled. "You don't want me to be a're jealous." He tried to push himself off the floor, but couldn't manage it, instead falling back on his ass and right elbow.

"What the hell is going on here?" Silas barked as he came into the bar and saw all of us on the floor. "Is he drunk?" He pointed at Nate.

"Very," Kota huffed as he pulled me up. "Also confrontational. He decked Gabe over Isabelle."

"Hmmf," Silas grunted. "Get your sorry ass up. You'll stay in mine and North's room tonight until you can sober up and pull your head out of your ass." He reached out a hand to Nate who only slapped it away as he tried to pull himself up, almost tipping the barstool over on himself. "Stubborn fool," Silas muttered as he grabbed Nate's arm. In typical fashion, Nate reacted and threw a punch which Si easily avoided. However, Nate was too drunk to react in time to avoid the return punch. He dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. "Well at least he won't argue on the way up to the room," Silas grunted as he lifted him over his shoulder.

We managed to make it to the end of the hall when the door opened and Avery came out. Her eyes zoned in on my jaw, and Nate's unconscious form over Silas's shoulder. I saw her shoulders start to tremble as Victor and Corey came up behind her, urging her back inside. My heart cracked as I saw the tears stream down her face just before the door closed.

I swear I'm going to slap that fucking harpy for all of this.

Author's Note:  :( Nate

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