Chapter 66

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Our kitchen buzzed with activity as we cooked breakfast. The Toma group had stayed at Victor's place to give us privacy on our wedding night. We had spent most of the evening sharing what we all learned when the Morrigan said her spell. Just like at the wedding, each of us had experienced something unique. Sadly, most of it wasn't making sense yet.

I grabbed Avery by the waist as she passed me, pulling her lips to mine, "Good morning, my sexy wife."

She let out a soft giggle, "Good morning, my amazing husband. Have you spoken to Erin yet?"

"Laird will bring her back tomorrow. She's having a spa day with grandma. She's going to be excited about the babies," I grinned.

"Good morning, Chaton," Gabe said, kissing her cheek and pressing a mug of tea in her hand. "Jasmine tea - no caffeine, one lump of sugar, a splash of milk." She took a sip and made a purring sound as he laughed. "See, you're a perfect kitten."

Avery gave me a cheeky grin as we all sat down to eat. Once the conversations started to lull, she turned to Corey, "I'm sorry if I caused you and your brother any suffering, Corey. It wasn't until last night that I even remembered what I had said and seen in my vision."

He looked at her curiously, "Can you explain it? I mean, are you allowed to tell us what you saw? Sorry, but I'm still having trouble with all of this."

"You aren't the only one," Brandon coughed. "I feel like I walked into a fantasy movie. First Silas is telling me about my own damn dreams, then some lady who claims to be a goddess tells you that you're a banshee." He shook his head, "It just doesn't make sense."

"Ohh, can I say it this time?" Sean grinned like a little kid. Victor nodded and he gave a small squeal before putting on a serious expression. "Welcome to Ireland, boys." Brandon and Corey stared at him in confusion, while the rest of us laughed. Avery just rolled her eyes. "Dang, that was fun," Sean said. "But seriously, it's this place. I swear since meeting Avery I've seen and heard things I couldn't explain. And now, well now, it's at the tip of my tongue, but I still can't quite get it yet."

Avery reached out and squeezed his hand, "Sean's right. I've spent my entire life here and never gave it much thought. My Maimeó never paid much heed to modern theology or traditions, but the old ways, well those are steeped into the very walls of this house and the soil it sits on. Most of Ireland still hold to the old legends. Drogheda has long been associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann and other Sídhe. We've been taught our entire lives to never answer a voice that calls to you on the wind. Stay away from the moors at night, don't walk in a ring of toadstools, place a light in the window to guide travelers, and more. Never once did it cross my mind that these weren't just old tales until recently."

She straightened in my lap, "I don't have all the answers, but I'll explain what the Morrigan showed me and what I've already pieced together." She looked at Brandon. "I saw you trapped in a capsized fishing boat, crying out your brother's name, then apologizing to someone named Elijah. Your last thoughts were how you had failed him before the icy waters of the north took you to the cauldron."

Tears instantly filled Brandon's eyes. "You can't know can't."

"Know what, Bran?" Corey asked him.

Brandon clenched his eyes shut and his hands trembled as he spoke. "Elijah is my son." A murmur of questions went around the table. He opened his eyes and sighed, "I left because I'd gotten hooked on drugs - lots of drugs. My depression had gotten so deep that I didn't care if I lived or died. I...I tried to kill himself." I felt Avery tense at his revelation. Without a word, she left my lap and went to kneel next to him. Her small arms wrapped around his neck and she spoke too softly for us to hear. Much like the night she had comforted Owen, Brandon's arms came to encircle her as he shook.

After several moments, they pulled apart. He held his hand out to her and she gave him a soft smile then sat in his lap, her gaze meeting mine. I nodded and smiled. He needed her strength right now.

"I never knew," Corey rasped. "I'd been searching for you. Why couldn't I find you?"

"I was off-grid for the first couple of years, constantly strung out. That's how I met Elijah's mother, Jenny. We'd get high for days on end, knocking over liquor stores to pay for the drugs. We got separated when we had to make a run for it. I never saw her again. Just over a year ago, I was standing on the edge of a bridge somewhere, planning to jump when I heard a kid laughing. I was high as hell so it was probably just my mind playing tricks, but at that moment I was convinced there was a kid on that bridge. I scrambled to find them, but nothing. I ended up getting hit by a car and taken to the hospital. Luckily I only had a few broken bones, but mostly my luck changed thanks to the doctor in the ER. They saw my track marks and helped me get into a detox program. It took a long time, but I finally got clean and sober and I haven't touched anything since then."

Nate walked over to him as Avery moved away. He pulled Brandon into a fierce hug and told him with a choked tone, "I'm proud of you, Brandon. I know how hard it is to face your demons. I'm an alcoholic and it cost me my family. I want to return the favor someone once gave me and let you know that fighting your addiction makes you brave and I'm proud of you." I saw Nate give Avery a soft smile as her tears flowed.

Brandon hugged him tight, "Thank you. I'm glad you beat your addiction and I'm proud of you too." There wasn't a dry eye in the room as we all hugged both of them.

I pulled Avery against me again, "Do you see how you make us all better, beautiful girl? We are so blessed to have your love - all of us."

She cupped my face and kissed my nose, "I love you, Luke, and I am equally blessed."

"So where is your son now?" Axel asked.

Brandon pulled out his wallet and passed it around. The kid looked just like his dad. "He's in Michigan with Jenny's folks. She overdosed about six months ago. I didn't even know he existed until her parents started reaching out to find me. They hired a PI to track me down. I was working on a fishing boat in the States then. I've only been able to see him a few times, but he's a great kid. I've been working deep sea runs and sending most of my checks to them. I'm lucky really, they want me in his life. I've just got to get money saved up so I can get a place that's safe for a kid. For now, he's better off with them so he isn't with a babysitter or something while I'm gone for months at a time. That's no way to raise a kid," he said. "I just want to be a good father to him - better than ours was to us."

"You already are," Corey told him. "I'd love to meet my nephew someday if that's okay with you?"

Brandon's face lit up. "Yeah, that'd be great."

"Ahem," Owen cleared his throat, "Speaking of meeting people, I think we need to get on the road, love. We don't want to be late for your appointment."

Avery bounced on her toes and turned to the Toma group, "Would you like to come with us, to town that is? We could grab lunch after the appointment and if you are up to it, I'd like to show all of you someplace special to me."

Brandon took her hand, a smile covering his face, "We would be honored."

Author's Notes:  Building those relationships :)

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