Chapter 46

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After a few more decisions were made, I ended the call only to grab my phone and make another one.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice answered.

"Didn't know I paid you to sleep on the job," I scoffed.

"Fuck off, Owen. I gave you everything I found. From here, I can't do much more," he grumbled. I heard a voice in the background as he whispered, "See you later."

"I take it I've interrupted?"

"That depends, why did you call? Do you have more info for me to follow?"

"We're fairly certain another girl has been kidnapped. It's a bit too close to home this time. Our girl wants to help us set a trap. I need someone to stay close that they won't recognize. Nate's already been introduced as her boyfriend, Kota is a professor and Victor is well, he's fucking Victor Morgan. Can't exactly hide that detail no matter how long he's been out of the spotlight," I explained. "I'll pay for your flight and stay in addition to all expenses and the regular fee will be doubled."

"Holy shit, man, just who the fuck is this woman to all of you?"

"The woman we all would die for. She's brilliant and headstrong, and if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be a family again," I sighed.

"Wait, are you telling me the Blackbourne team is back together – like really back, and dating the same bird - that isn't Sang?" His voice was awed. Again I heard a voice in the background, but this time he didn't answer them. It was too faint to determine if it was male or female.

I chuckled, "We aren't back as a team, but definitely as a family, and yes we are all together with her. Victor proposed to her on our behalf just recently, but with events, that has been on hold. Now, can you come? If so, then I need you on the first flight. Time is of the essence."

"Yeah, I can be ready in twenty minutes, so send me the details. I'm in Germany right now, so it won't take long to get to Dublin," he said.

"Not to get too personal, but do I need to send a second ticket? Not that I want you distracted, but..."

"Well that's a bit rude," he scoffed, "as for being distracted, I think he might have a few skills you would find advantageous, so make it two tickets. I'll send the info for boarding. See you soon," he said then hung up. My phone vibrated a few moments later with the two license images. I laughed to myself as I read them. I guess all paths cross eventually.

**Trigger Warning: sexual violence, forced birth, murder - it's fairly dark and twisted folks**


"That's it, keep pushing. You're doing so good, girlie, not much longer," I told number four. A few moments later, my son came into the world screaming. I clamped the cord and took him to clean while Ma and Shane finished up with the breeder. He was healthy and a good weight. The buyers would be pleased. Ma came up and smiled at him.

"He looks like your father," she said with a wistful look. She washed her hands and sighed, "We're going to have to put her down. Her uterus is too damaged. She won't be able to breed again. I'll take the little one and get pictures while you and Shane move her into a private stall. I've already given your brother what you'll need."

I nodded as she took the baby towards the house. I sighed in frustration as I patted number four's haunches. "You did good ole girl. He's healthy just like the others. Time for you to rest now," I told her. She sighed and nodded as silent tears fell - even she knew it was time. She'd been with us the longest out of our current livestock. In nine years she'd had seven healthy babes. Shane and I lifted the sling and carried her into the waiting stall. We placed her on the table and I stroked her hair as Shane injected the drugs. In a matter of moments, she was gone. It was too early in the day to take her out to the fields where the others were. Four generations of breeders were in those fields. Even our mother had been a breeder once. My father trained her just like I planned to train number one. When he was young, he'd told me all about how he conditioned her. Said it took him almost three years, and over the years she'd given him eight children before he died. Shane and I were the only two he kept. All the rest were living their lives with the wealthy families that bought them. It was up to us to keep the family farm going.

Covering number four with a tarp, we headed out to check the others before going to the house.

Author's Notes:  Going down the rabbit hole now, my lovelies - hold tight

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