Chapter 103

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Word had spread through the Fae kingdoms quickly of our victory over the Shadow Queen, and even more surprising the news of a school for human fae. It seemed like every day Avery was receiving new communication about a potential student. We had all been working around the clock to alter Victor's family mansion. We soon realized that North's magic came in rather handy, but it wasn't limitless. He'd attempted to create a new wing of the house with just his magic and was knocked on his ass looking like he was dying for almost two weeks. Avery had scolded all of us for letting him work too much and with heads hung, we apologized and went back to doing things the old-fashioned way...well almost. Luke, Gabe, and Nate could pull heavy loads in their shifter forms.

"Hey, I made lunch. Come and get it!" Marc hollered as he carried in a tray loaded down with sandwiches, and Axel followed him with a pitcher of something and cups.

"You're my hero," Avery sighed as she snagged a sandwich. Connor was on her hip and whined when she took a bite. Her face turned a bit pale and she quickly handed the boy to Nate, then dashed from the room. We all exchanged concerned looks as Sean and Owen took off after her.

Gabe snickered and I turned to look at him. His face was lit up with a devilish grin. "What aren't you telling us?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders and tapping his nose, looked at Nate and Luke. "The nose always knows."

"What? that what I noticed? Holy shit," Luke muttered as he fell back into a chair. "She's gonna kill us..."

"What the hell are you two blabbering about?" North boomed.

"I believe they are discussing the fact that I'm pregnant again," Avery huffed as she came into the room leaning on Owen. She glared at Gabe. "How long have you known?"

"Since the night I sealed our bond. You didn't think I would really give up my perfect shot did you?" He sauntered closer and pulled her into his arms. "Oh, Chaton, you said it yourself, the claim mark allows you to become pregnant when both given and received...and if I'm not mistaken, you gave someone else your claim mark that night as well for the first time."

Her eyes went wide. "Luke," she whispered and met his watery eyes. He had already put the pieces together before she walked in. "Twins again," she said, her hand going to her stomach.

"Yep, fucking twins again," Gabe chuckled. "Hey, you said you wanted a big family. Well, Chaton, with fourteen of us, you will have a very big family. Besides, we have lots of time."

"Speak for yourself," Raven huffed. "I'm older than you."

Gabe laughed, "Are you really...and does it matter anymore? Haven't you all been paying attention? Fae live longer than humans. When we battled that bitch, we merged not only our magic but also our lives. Loves, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon...perhaps not for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years yet. Our children are more Fae than human, so they too will have long lives."

"Is that what you meant that night?" Luke asked him as we all tried to wrap our minds around his words.

He nodded. "When I lost my humanity, I knew, but we went straight into the battle so I couldn't explain. Then I began to fear you and the others would reject me. My shadow form reacted in fear and claimed you instantly before you could leave me." I saw the look of insecurity cloud his expression as Avery leaned into his chest.

"You never lost us, Gabriel. I'd have walked right back into the shadows before I let you go," she said, hugging him tightly.

"We all would," Victor and Luke added. We all echoed their sentiments.

"Well, I guess we need to add some more rooms to the house as well," Brandon grinned. "Elijah will be here next month. Avery's eyes lit up as she squealed, then ran and jumped into his arms. "And just like that we've gone from three children to six," he laughed.  

Author's Notes:  Ahh...we've reached the end of this journey, my lovelies.  Only the epilogue to go.

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