Chapter 79

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Axel placed her in my arms and she made the cutest little noise of contentment as she snuggled against my chest. I set her in Owen's lap as I checked her vitals. "Well, other than an elevated heart rate - which is understandable, you look good," I told her. "However, Axel is right, you need to rest for now. How about we put in a movie and just relax?"

Avery let out a little yawn, "I'd like that." Gabe came and handed her a robe, then helped her put it on as she snuggled between Owen and me. He ran his hands through her hair as she watched the movie, occasionally mouthing the words to the songs until she drifted off to sleep.

"Did we push her too much?" Marc asked, watching her intently.

"No, I don't think so. She used her words and we all paid attention to her responses. Taking breaks like this is good even when she isn't pregnant." Her nose scrunched as she muttered in her sleep, then pressed her face into Owen's chest.

"She has no idea how precious she is," he chuckled. "I think it's time to put her to bed."

Corey came to stand in front of him. "May I?" Owen nodded and lifted her as Corey pulled her against him. Her fingers gripped his hair as he pulled her arms around his neck, her lips brushing against his skin. He nodded to Raven, "Would you like to join us?"

The look on his face was pure shock, but he recovered quickly and shot up out of his chair, following Corey down the hall to the bedroom.

"You realize they're going to fuck the hell out of her, right?" Gabe snorted.

"Yeah, but they'll at least wait until the morning," I grinned. "She should be more than ready by then."


My heart jumped when Corey asked me to come with him and Avery. Throughout these months, we have gotten closer, but still not much in the way of intimacy beyond kissing. He placed her in the middle of the bed and climbed in behind her as I lay in front of her, my eyes meeting his. "I've missed you. I'm...I'm sorry for not believing," I said, my voice rough as I tried to push down the emotion.

He smiled at me, "I missed you, too. I'm sorry I pushed you away. Looking back I know you weren't trying to hurt me, if anything you were trying to protect me." He reached out and took my hand as we sandwiched Avery between us. He kissed my hand and with a soft squeeze, said, "Good night."

The sun pushed through the edges of the curtains as I heard Corey moan, "If you keep doing that Angel, I can't be held responsible for my actions." I opened my eyes to see her frozen, mid-stretch as she realized her ass was rubbing up against Corey's crotch. The look on her face was priceless. At first, it was one of surprise, then a wicked little smirk formed as she looked at me and leaned forward to kiss me, shoving her ass firmly against Corey who groaned.

I gladly accepted the kiss, then chuckled, "Озорная маленькая фея (Mischievous little fairy)." She hummed and kissed me again before letting out a gasp as Corey's hands gripped her ass. My eyes met his and a silent agreement was made. In seconds I had her straddling my waist as he pressed against her back. "Color fairy?"

"Green," she rasped, her voice still thick with sleep.

I heard the bottle of lube open as Corey began to work it into her rim. She shivered at his touch, her eyelids fluttering with each movement. Her mouth opened as he began working inside of her. I held her tight as he bottomed out, then pulled back only to slam into her harder this time. His blue eyes locked on mine as she cried out and I lined my cock up with her already wet core. His next thrust sent her downward, impaling her on my length. Her entire body shook as she muttered in what I'm assuming was Irish. Her nails dug into my shoulders and chest as she found her rhythm between us.

In all the years I'd been with Corey, I'd never seen such raw desire in his eyes as I did now, and it wasn't just for her, but for me as well. It felt like everything was whole being here with them right now. This is what I wanted, what I needed.

I felt her walls begin to shudder and groaned in pleasure. "That's it, Angel, cum for us," he purred in her ear. He threw his head back and let out a groan as he began to spill inside of her, then she and I both gasped as a pulsating light surrounded Corey, then us. He looked down at us, "I love you both so much. May I claim you?" Tears spilled from our eyes as we nodded. I didn't even fully understand what he meant until I felt his hand over my heart. I saw him place his hand over hers as well and he whispered, "I bind our souls for all of eternity, my loves." A flood of desire filled me as I found myself slamming my hips upward. Avery's body shook as the same wave crashed through her. Corey began thrusting again as a second orgasm overtook him. We all collapsed onto the bed, gasping for air.

Avery's fingers ran over the darkening mark on my chest as I looked at hers. It resembled a blue rose with a triquetra behind it. She turned to Corey, "When did you know?"

He gave a low laugh, "The moment I pushed into that beautiful ass. It was like a barrier being torn down - all the knowledge just flooded into my mind." He leaned up and looked at me. "Guess it makes sense we are both light Fae."

I tilted Avery's chin, "And there is no light without darkness, our little banshee."  

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