Chapter 19

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North, Silas, and Kota followed me into the house. I giggled as I looked around seeing signs of Luke and Erin everywhere. "Sorry about the mess, but it looks like they've been having fun," I said as I picked up a few stuffies and put them on the couch. The Yule tree glowed softly in the corner of the room already decorated. "North, are you okay with taking Luke's room down here? There's a second spare room down here, it shares a Jack and Jill bathroom. The smaller spare room is upstairs along with a separate bathroom."

"We can crash wherever you tell us, Avery," North said. "Silas and I can stay down here since we room back in Charleston anyway."

Silas laughed, "Yeah, I'm already used to his grouchy morning face." I covered my face to try and hide my laughter but failed miserably.

North huffed, "Yeah, make fun of the giant," then grabbed me and tickled my sides until I was screaming for mercy as Silas joined in too.

"Mercy!" I squealed as they laughed and finally put me down. I was panting, "Okay you two troublemakers, your rooms are down this hall. First door is North's. Fresh towels are in the pantry along with extra blankets.

North hugged me, "Thanks for taking care of Luke and Erin, Avery. I haven't seen him this happy in years."

I leaned into his chest and smiled, "I think he takes care of us just as much, but you're welcome. Now get some rest you two." North gave me a peck on my head, then Silas gave me a quick hug and said his good nights. I turned to see Kota looking uncomfortable. "Come on, I'll show you to the other room," I told him as he grabbed his bag and followed me up. I opened the door to the first room, "Sorry it's so small. It hasn't been used much since I was a kid."

He walked in and set his bag on the bed then looked around at my drawings and photos. "Was this yours?"

I nodded, "This was my bedroom when I was young, then as I got older I turned it into my study of sorts."

His eyes scanned a drawing of the moors, "You've got real talent, Avery. These are very intricate. I swear I can feel the wind moving in this."

I felt my pride swell. I hadn't drawn much since my grandmother passed and never showed anyone really. "Thank you. I don't have much time to draw these days."

He smirked, "I can imagine. I've seen your lessons - you must spend hours on them."

"Sometimes, but others it just makes sense and flows easily," I smiled. "So the bathroom is just across the hall. Careful about the lock, sometimes it doesn't click. I've never bothered to fix it since I'm here alone. Luke always stays downstairs when he comes over so Erin isn't going up and down stairs. She may have scared us half to death once when she decided to make a sled out of blankets and pillows, then surf the stairs."

Kota let out a laugh, "Oh damn, that sounds just like Luke when we were kids. He and Nate built what they called a rocket bike once. I swear they both spent days trying to get bugs and debris out of their hair. They had gone down the hill so fast, they busted through the fence and into the woods behind my house."

"I think I may need to hear more Luke stories soon," I giggled.

"Oh, I've got plenty about both of them. I've known them since elementary school. They were my family, well, until..." his words dropped off.

I reached out and took his hand, squeezing it softly. "I may not know everything, but I know how much you all mean to each other. It's plain as day. I'm glad you came, Kota. You shouldn't let go of family."

His eyes were watery as he looked at me, "Thank you, Avery." I let go of his hand and left him in the room to get settled in.

I'd just gotten changed into my pajamas when my phone vibrated. I grinned as I looked at the screen.

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