Chapter 81

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This had to be the craziest thing I'd ever seen or done. One minute we're in the garden, the next we are in this dark place talking to Luke's dead wife. My skin felt like it was crawling as we followed her through the shadows. I swear I could hear whispering and it made me paranoid.

"I see you brought some of your husbands," a woman's voice spoke.

"Erin felt that Corey and Raven should come as well," Avery told the imposing woman before her. I immediately recognized the Morrigan. Unlike at the wedding, this time her presence made me uneasy. Luke reached out and took my hand, giving me a concerned look.

The woman moved closer, her eyes falling on me. "They are always welcome, but this is who I needed to see. You hear them, don't you?" I blinked in confusion, gripping Luke's hand tighter. The whispers I'd heard earlier seemed to become magnified the closer she stood to me. "The shadows and the dead call to you, dreamer. You are her link to the gate."

"But how? Why am I hearing all of these things now?" I sputtered.

Her expression softened as she spoke, "Mab broke the barrier. When she killed you, even for a brief moment, it allowed the rift to be breached. You've always been sensitive, yes? Seen shadows in the corners, felt death more profoundly than others. Both you and Owen experienced such loss at a young age and it left its mark."

"Then why am I here, but he isn't?"

"He grew cold in his grief, you did not. Your art became your escape, but even in that you found times where the images came unbidden," she answered.

"She said you've seen it, that you drew it," Luke added. "The Queen, before she grabbed your heart, she said you touched it."

"And it in return, touched you," The Morrigan said softly. "Gabriel, you are the only person who can help Avery see the gate. The others won't recognize it. To them, it will simply look like an everyday object, but you will see the shadows that lurk near it, hoping to escape and enter this side."

"What exactly happens if the gate opens?" Raven asked.

I noticed her stiffening along with Fiona. "Death. The boundaries are not meant to blur, this is why creatures like Avery exist. They and others who walk in life and death guard the boundaries between the living and the dead."

"But wait, if the boundary is separate, then how have the dead visited us, and how are we here now...and Fiona," Luke's voice was flustered as he looked at his first wife who still held their daughter.

"Avery is the link for all of you," Fiona said, taking his hand. "Banshee can cross the boundary at will. Because you are all connected to her, you have that ability in some capacity. What Marith is referring to is the overrunning of death. Some creatures would seek to enter the realm of the living to corrupt and feast on the souls of the innocent."

"So why does everyone keep saying to not open the gate? Is there some reason she would?" Corey asked. The two women exchanged looks of apprehension. His shoulders sagged as he let out a sigh, "To save one of us."

I looked at Avery and saw the tears welling up. "You knew," I whispered. She nodded. I pulled her into my arms, "Listen here, Chaton. You are under no circumstances sacrificing yourself for any of us, do you get that? You are going to have these beautiful babies and lots more. We are all going to grow old together and that's final." She started to protest, but I put my finger to her lips, "Argue and I'll tan your ass right now."

Raven snickered, "Please argue, fairy." She shot him a reprimanding glare and he laughed louder.


Nate and I sat across the table from Isabelle and Chloe in the private dining room at my hotel. Isabelle kept trying to make physical contact with Nate no matter how many times he pushed her away. To distract them until Sean arrived, I asked Chloe, "So one paternity has been established, my client will expect a parenting agreement to allow him to be a consistent parental figure in the child's life."

Chloe swirled her wine glass and smirked, "Getting ahead of yourself aren't you, Mr. Blackbourne? I do believe my client has already explained her parameters for parental involvement to your client. Just why would we consider another arrangement?"

"No court will accept those terms," I scoffed. I understood Isabelle's hysterical demands, but for Chloe to agree...that was ludicrous. She was a highly skilled attorney.

Her nails clicked against the stemware as her eyes narrowed, "Oh, I think a court might very well entertain those terms. I mean, after all, your client has a volatile past, with prior convictions for drunk and disorderly conduct, as well as questioning in the death of an Irish citizen recently. Then there is the concern for a child being brought up in a polyamorous household. A good upstanding Catholic girl couldn't possibly expose her child to such a hedonistic lifestyle."

Nate and I both froze while Isabelle smirked triumphantly. An eerie silence fell over the table only to be broken by my husband's perfect timing.

"Oh thank goodness, Owen, there you are," Sean gasped as he stumbled into the room coming through the door behind the women. We had strategically placed the tables so that he would be forced to pass next to Isabelle and Chloe to get to me. He paused behind them, extending his hand. "Good to see you again, Chloe, and you as well, Isabelle. I'm terribly sorry for interrupting, but I need to steal Owen for just a moment." They each shook his hand and I noticed a tremor pass over him as he quickly schooled his expression. He came around to my side of the table and we took a few steps away from the table.

"Anything?" I asked. He shook his head and grabbed my hand, turning slightly so that his back was to the two women. I gave him a confused look as I felt his fingers moving in my hand. It took a few seconds for me to realize he was signing.

Not human.

I arched my eyebrow and saw sheer panic in his eyes. I nodded, "Okay, well keep me posted. Nate and I will be home soon."

He hugged me tightly whispering, "Please be careful," then with a few words to Nate, he hurried out.

"Everything alright?" Chloe asked.

I nodded, "Um, yes. Just a matter with our wife."

Her eyes glistened and I swear they darkened. "Is she with you? I'm sure Isabelle would be willing to speak with her, to help her understand the conflict."

"She's out of town for a family matter," Nate said quickly. "I don't think putting them in the same space would help." He stood and put his napkin on the plate. "I've heard your offer and veiled threats. I'll give you my answer once the paternity test is completed."

"As you wish," Chloe replied, as they also stood. She extended her hand to me, "A pleasure as always, Mr. Blackbourne."

I shook her hand feeling the urge to suddenly wash my hand with bleach and sharply replied, "Likewise," as I forced my millimeter smile at her.

Once they'd left the room, Nate turned and asked, "Well?"

I shook my head, "Not here," and pointed to my ears. In light of what Sean discovered, I did not doubt that we were being watched or at the very least, listened to.

Author's Notes:  Who is not human?  Hmmm...

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