Chapter 21

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"You like her," I said softly.

"Of course I like her. She's good for them," North replied.

"No, you like her," I repeated. He glanced at me, his eyes shifting slightly. "I can see it plain as day, North. You're falling for her even if she is with Luke and Victor."

He shook his head, "It's not like that. I mean, yeah, she's great, and maybe if she was single, but come on, Silas..."

"So what, are you just going to go home and not tell any of them? Hell, at least Kota fessed up his feelings."

Laying down the knife he'd been chopping vegetables with he put the palms of his hands on the counter and sighed, "What good would it do? This isn't like before, man. I have no right, none of us do." I straightened and he chuckled, "What, you think I haven't seen you watching her? Sean can't stay away from her, and Owen, well after his little breakdown, follows her like a damn puppy. She's got all seven of us wrapped around her finger and has no clue."

"Then maybe you should tell her," Luke said from behind us. We spun around and met his grinning face as he wiped his hands on a towel.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"Long enough to know that Victor and I were right," he chuckled. "We saw it that first night, and you're right, she has no clue. Hell, she didn't have a clue how I'd felt about her and that was over a year. Avery is so innocent she can't fathom anyone wanting her."

"Then what's the point? If she's that innocent, we would scare her by saying anything," North groaned.

"Kota's little revelation didn't scare her," Luke said. "And who are you to take that choice from her? What if she feels the same sparks?"

North scoffed, "So what, am I supposed to just walk up and say, hey Avery, I can't get you out of my head? I lay in bed wishing you were in my arms and dreaming about kissing those soft lips?"

A soft gasp had all three of us turning. Avery stood with a shocked expression as she looked between the three of us frantically. She took a step back, the basket of decorations in her hands crashing to the floor before she ran out the back door.

"Shit," both Luke and North muttered.

Erin came into the room, "Daddy, why is Mama Avery crying?"

Luke knelt and took her hands, "She's upset, sweetie. Did you see which way she went?" She pointed out the door toward the moors.

"I'll go," I said. "You stay with Erin."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll find her," I said and grabbed my coat and hers that she'd left, then headed in the direction she'd run.

It was like a maze out here. Stone paths that suddenly stopped, wispy reeds of grass that swayed in the bitter wind. I heard muffled sobbing and followed it until I found her sitting on the damp ground next to a set of large weathered stones. "Avery," I called to her softly as I came closer, then wrapped her coat around her shivering shoulders. She looked so broken, so unsure of herself. I pulled her against me and held her as she cried.

"Wh...why? What is so special about me? Did Luke and Victor plan this all along? have me take Sang's place?" she stammered in between sobs.

I jerked my head up, "What? No! Oh, Avery, you really have no clue how amazing you are, do you? They didn't plan anything, this is all sheer coincidence. I mean Kota had no idea who you were, and until we arrived, I'd never spent much time with you. Then Sean and Owen, well we haven't seen them in years. It's like the universe wanted us to find you." She looked up at me with those big eyes, and I cupped her face. "You are so damn beautiful," I said quietly, then leaned forward and gently brushed my lips across hers. "We won't push. If you want us to stay at Victor's we will and leave you alone. But, if you feel anything at all for any of us, then don't hide from it. Just let it happen."

Her body shivered as I pulled her into my lap. "May I kiss you?" She nodded slightly, but still, I hesitated. "I need words, baby. I won't be mad if you say no. You're in control, Avery."

"Ye...yes, Silas. You can kiss me," she breathed. Pulling her body to me, I crashed our lips together. I knew this might be the only chance I had, and I wasn't going to waste it. She whimpered when I cupped her ass and pressed her close. I know she felt my cock pressing against her. When we parted, her lips were swollen and her eyes glazed. "Wow," she muttered. "You Americans sure can kiss."

I chuckled, "I can say the same for you." Her blush was beautiful. "Let's get you back in the house. You're freezing." I stood, lifting her in my arms. I helped her put her coat on, then she snuggled into my arms as I walked us back. I swear I heard giggling as we left the moors.

By the time I reached the house, she had fallen asleep. Victor and the others were putting stuff in the shed as I held my finger to my lip. He gave me a knowing grin and gestured toward the house as I continued. Owen stepped up and opened the door as I carried her inside. She wiggled in my arms and I gave a soft chuckle as she buried her face in my coat. Luke and North came around the corner with looks of relief. "Is she okay?" Luke asked.

"She was on the moors crying when I found her. We kissed." I said, waiting for his reaction.

"Did she cry after the kiss?" he grinned. I shook my head no, with a smile forming. "Then I think you're safe. Why don't you take her up to her room and let her rest? Second door on the right."

I nodded and climbed the steps. When I reached her room, I gently slipped off her coat and shoes, then pulled back the covers and placed her down. She muttered and reached out, grabbing my hand. Her eyes were darker as she spoke, "Thank you."

I knelt beside the bed, "No need to thank me, Avery. I'd follow you anywhere, especially for a kiss." Her cheeks flushed, then she brought my hand to her lips and kissed the palm softly. "Get some rest," I told her. "We'll finish dinner." She hummed as I pressed a kiss to her forehead then closed the door behind me as I left.

All eyes were on me as I stepped off the last stair. "Does she hate me?" North finally asked.

"No. She's confused. She wondered if this was planned...she thought you were trying to replace Sang with her," I told Luke and Victor. Both of them choked in surprise. "I told her that wasn't true. I told her all of us were attracted to her, but if she didn't want us then we would stay at Victor's and leave her alone. Then I told her to give it a chance if she was attracted to us. I told her she was in control, and then I asked if I could kiss her." I grinned, "It was pure bliss."

"Wait, so" Kota sputtered.

"Yeah. I kinda called out North on how he felt about her in the kitchen, then Luke came in and told him to tell her and let her make the decision."

"She overheard the conversation, freaked out, and left. Silas went out to look for her so I could stay with Erin," Luke said.

"So are you saying what I think you're saying?" Sean asked. "Are you actually giving us permission to tell her how we feel and try this?"

"It's not our permission you need," Victor said. "Avery was the one who didn't want to choose between us when she found out how Luke felt. She'd been in love with him for years apparently, but like him, she was scared to say anything. I noticed, just like we both realized how all of you felt over the past few days...hell, we saw it that first night. If she wants this, then who are we to tell her no?"

Author's Notes:  Well, they've all fallen, but has Avery?

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