Chapter 17

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I felt like a kid opening a Christmas present when I saw North walking toward me with Avery in his arms. He had a huge grin on his face as I tried to hug both of them. "Why am I being squished?" Avery's muffled voice asked.

"Because it's a family hug, beautiful," I whispered in her ear.

Her eyes popped open and she squealed, "LUKE!" then jumped into my arms as I wrapped her in mine. In seconds our lips were crashing together like it had been a lifetime since we last kissed. We didn't break apart until North cleared his throat. Her lips were swollen and her face had a rosy flush as she looked up at him and grinned.

Kota and Silas walked up with the luggage and I let go of Avery to embrace both of them. I noticed Kota was a bit stiff, but chalked it up to time apart until he spoke. "I need to tell you something before we go. Firstly, I want to apologize to both you and Avery and Victor I suppose. I had no idea you three were together." I looked between the two of them as Avery seemed to become upset. "I'm Avery's doctoral professor, the one she has TA duties for, and well, to be honest, I tried to get her to go out with me when we first met. She never accepted my offer to go out and never encouraged me in any way. Regardless, I really like her and I can already tell it's made her uncomfortable, so if you both want, I can just get a room and take the train back tomorrow."

I looked at Avery and took her hand pulling her closer. "The decision is yours, baby. If you aren't comfortable, Kota can leave now."

"No. He didn't do anything wrong really and neither of us had a clue. I know how excited you all are to see each other again," she said. "Let's just go home."

"Whatever you want, baby," I told her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. I picked up her bag and led them all to the car.


I was worried the ride would be awkward at first, but North and Silas used the time to fill me in on the events at the diner and Uncle. Avery listened with rapt attention as they talked. Kota asked questions about his Mama every so often as well. When we pulled up in Victor's driveway, Erin came running out the door.

"Mama Avery!" she squealed as Av ran and picked her up, swinging her around in circles as they both giggled wildly. Victor stood on the porch with Owen and Sean watching her with a big grin.

"Hey pretty girl, I missed you so much." Avery carried her up the steps as Victor stepped forward and hugged them both planting a kiss on her lips.

"Hey love, welcome home," he said quietly as she leaned into him. "Avery, these are our friends Owen Blackbourne and Dr. Sean Green."

Giving them a dazzling smile, she held out her hand, "I'm so happy to meet you both. Luke and Victor have told me so many good things about you."

"We've heard amazing things about you as well," Sean said as he kissed her hand with a smirk, making her giggle. "Your fan club speaks of you frequently," he chuckled.

Avery gave him a grin, "Isn't it nice to have fans," then kissed Erin's cheek. "Okay, pretty girl, let's get your presents under the tree."

"Presents, yay!"

We all followed the girls in as the others shared greetings with each other. I leaned over to Kota, "I think your confession might be better in private. It would confuse Erin. I'm sure Victor will want to explain his situation after she goes to bed as well. But seriously man, just relax. You didn't do anything wrong." Kota simply nodded stiffly as he tried to speak with everyone.

I couldn't help but notice his eyes kept gravitating back to Avery no matter where she was or what she was doing. I saw Victor give me a curious look as he too noticed. Oh damn, Kota had the same look we both did anytime we looked at her. Well, this should be interesting...

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