Chapter 61

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I looked in the mirror and almost cried. "You look beautiful," Aoife said as she attached my veil.

I could see the tears in her eyes and squeezed her in a tight hug, "Thank you."

"Oh dearie, you are just like a daughter to us. We're so happy for you," she smiled. "I know Fi is looking down on you and those men, sending her love as well."

Now I was really struggling to not cry as I hugged her again. A knock at the door had us both looking up. "They're ready," Laird said with a proud smile. "Oh, Avery girl, you look beautiful." He placed a kiss on the top of my head as we went downstairs.

Axel met us at the bottom of the stairs, his jaw dropping. "They're right, you look like a goddess," he breathed. "I better get a dance, waif," he winked then took Aoife's arm and led her to the backyard and her seat.

Laird and I stopped at the door as the music started to play. I looked down the short path to see Erin skipping along throwing blossoms at everyone as they laughed. When she reached the front, she jumped into Luke's arms with a proud smile. All nine of them stood, their eyes locked on me as I let out a shaky breath. Laird patted my hand and began to walk me down the aisle.

We stopped before the simple altar as he gave my hand to Victor and kissed my cheek, then went to sit with his wife. I looked up into those fiery eyes and felt a sense of peace come over me.

"Friends we gather today to bless the uniting of these souls," the Priestess spoke. "In observance of the old traditions you will each find a blossom attached to the chair in front of you. Please hold it in your hand as the handfasting ceremony is performed." She grinned at me with a knowing smile and said, "We call upon the Goddess to bless the binding of these souls." Victor held my hand as I stepped upon the tree stump pedestal North and Silas had carved, and then all nine circled me. The priestess wrapped the golden cord around my wrist. "The chord represents the thread that connects you to one another. Avery, by the power of the Goddess I charge you to seal your ties."

Victor held his hand out to me, making his declaration as I wound the cord around his wrist. "Avery, you literally found and rescued me the first time we met. I will follow where you lead and love you with all that I am until time ends."

Tears glistened as I spoke, "Victor, Mo grá, your fire warms my soul, I will love you until time ends."

Luke held his hand up next. "My beautiful Avery you pulled me from darkness and grief when I thought everything was lost. I will love and protect you until time ends.

"Luke, m'anamchara, I have loved you from the day I met you, and I will continue to love you until time ends."

Kota lifted his hand. "The world stopped moving the first time I laid eyes on you, Avery. I knew I loved you even then, and I will continue to love you until time ends."

"Kota, mo dhuine uasail," I said with a wink as his eyes widened, "I was so confused, so scared to love you, and now I can't imagine life without you. I will love you until time ends.

Owen lifted his hand. "Avery, you are my hope. You have given me everything and I will love you until time ends."

"Owen, A chroí, you are my safe place and I will love you until time ends."

Silas lifted his hand, tears in his eyes as I wrapped the cord around his wrist. "Avery, my agape, you are the dream I never felt I deserved, but am thankful for every day and I will spend my life loving you until time ends."

My breath caught at his words. "Silas, mo neart, you make me believe anything is possible. I want to chase all of our dreams together and I will love you until time ends."

Gabriel lifted his hand, his blue eyes piercing my soul. "My precious Chaton, you saved me on the first day we met, then you gave me back my family and brought new love to my life," he smiled lovingly at Luke and Victor, "I will love you until time ends."

"Gabriel, you came into my life when I thought I would be alone forever and showed me love. I thought I'd lost you, but the universe blessed me by bringing you back to me. A chéadsearc, I will love you until time ends."

Sean lifted his hand, his green eyes gleaming as he spoke. "Avery, you are my itoshii now and forever. Nothing will ever keep me from your side and I will love you until time ends."

My voice cracked slightly, "Sean, mo chinniúint, I would walk through darkness to find my way to you again and again. I will love you until time ends."

Nathan lifted his hand. "Cariño, you are the purest light I have ever known and I will love you until time ends."

"Nathan, Mo mhuirnín, I fell in love with you the first night I met you. You are one of the strongest people I know and I am proud to be yours. I will love you until time ends."

North lifted his hand and grinned. "Shortcake, you are a force to be reckoned with and when I realized I loved you it scared me. I didn't think I deserved you, but the moment you agreed to be ours I never looked back. Avery, my brilliant wife, I will love you until time ends."

"North, first, I'm not short, you're a giant," I winked, making him and everyone else laugh. "I'm not whole without you, North. You are my calm in the storm, steady and protective, m'aingeal caomhnóra, and I will love you until time ends."

As I wrapped the end of the cord around my hand, completing the circle, a loud popping sound filled the area. My eyes went wide as I felt tears streaming down my face. "Beannachtaí gariníon," her soft voice spoke.

"" I gasped as I looked into the face of my Maimeó.

"Magic, how else, child?" she softly laughed, kissed my cheek, then vanished.

I blinked rapidly, looking at my husbands. They all had tears streaming down their faces, their expressions similar to my own.

The Priestess smiled and spoke, her voice carrying across the yard, "So as above, so as below...let the magic flow." The crowd gasped and murmured as the blooms in their hands lifted into the air, swirling and dancing on the soft breeze that suddenly blew as they began to circle around us. I looked at the Priestess, my breath catching. She nodded her head, "Beannachtaí, a Mhuire," then vanished, her cloak falling to the ground.

Author's Notes:  So...who saw that coming, because I didn't and I'm the fecking author!

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