Chapter 86

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Axel and I arrived in the room with a jolt. I have no idea how I did it, but one minute we are walking the block, and the next I get a feeling in my gut that we need to get to the guys fast. I grabbed Axel's hands and suddenly we appeared in the hotel room. It looked like a bomb had gone off. Kota and Owen sat on the couch, their eyes red, with blood on their hands and clothes. Nate was nowhere to be seen.

Axel let out a sigh, "It killed Isabelle, didn't it?"

My head snapped toward him, "How the fuck?"

He groaned, "I can see like images or ghosts of what happened. It's what Mab meant when she called me a seer."

Owen's voice shook. "I'm glad you can see it because I don't think I have the sanity to retell it." Kota looked equally traumatized. "Nate said the two of you would know what to do next. I'm hoping he was right. I don't want to go to jail for murder based on the condition of this room."

Axel turned to me, "Use your new power to go get North. He can fix the room in a matter of seconds, then we can all get back to Avery." I nodded and focused on North.

"Where the hell did you come from?" he boomed when I appeared in the room.

"I'll explain later. Right now I need you and your skill set in Dublin," I grabbed his arm, tugging him upright.

"Are the others okay?" Luke asked as he put together a puzzle with Erin. She was so damn smart for her age.

I nodded, "Yeah, they are, we just need some very fast cleanup. We'll explain everything in a bit. Nate will come separately. Before anyone could ask anything else, I focused on the hotel room and teleported us back. North stumbled a bit and glared at me. "What? It was only my second trip, well third if you count me coming to get you."

His mouth opened and closed in shock. Then he looked at the room. "What the fuck happened?"

All three sighed, but Axel answered. "Chloe and Isabelle were here along with Olivia. The baby was a Dark Fae and it attacked Isabelle. She didn't make it. Nate is in his cú sídhe form. Like Avery, he can lead souls to the after. He said he was taking her there and would meet everyone in the Unseelie Court. For now, though, we need your help. We need the room repaired and clean clothes for these two, please."

North snorted, "Great, I'm a magical version of Gabe now." We all gave a slight laugh that helped lighten the mood as he worked his magic. Once the room was done, he looked at me. "Okay, magical taxi, I think we're all done here. Can we go see our wife and kids now?"

"Gladly," I grinned. I grabbed his and Axel's hand while the others also connected hands and in a flash, we were back in the sitting area where Erin and Luke were finishing their puzzle.

"Well, that was fast."

"Yeah, all the flair of Gabe, with half the effort," North chuckled.

"All the flair, my ass," Gabe snorted. "You might be able to create what you see, but I create what can't be seen." North gave him a slight bow and acknowledged his skill.

Avery's banshee wail had us all running in a panic toward the bedroom where she and the twins had been resting. I swear Silas damn near took the door off the hinges as he busted in. Avery stood, the bassinets behind her as a shadowy figure hissed before her, then dumped Isabelle's ravaged body on the floor. "My Master sends their regards, Banshee. Come to the gate willingly or all your consorts will end just as this poor human did." The creature rubbed its hands together and sneered, "I'd love to feast on the souls of your offspring." It took a step forward and both Corey and Raven lunged.

Raven dug his fingers into the thing as it howled, while Corey put his hands on its head and appeared to drown it in light, causing it to fracture and then vanish into tendrils that crackled and snapped as the light devoured them.

"Where is Nathan?" she demanded. As if he heard her, he suddenly appeared - as in he literally came out of the wall in his hound form to sit at her feet, nosing her hip. "Start talking," she snapped, glaring at him.

He let out a huff and shifted. In all his naked glory, he pulled her against him, just holding her for a few moments. "Come, sit down and I'll explain everything," he said, leading her to the edge of the bed. He grabbed a robe off the hook and put it on, then pulled her against him as they sat. The rest of us pulled up chairs and listened as he began to explain everything. He went through what most of us already knew about the attack, but then he started telling us the information Isabelle had given him when he took her to the after.


I listened as Nate told us how Isabelle had struck a bargain with Chloe to help get him back. I watched as my little fairy tried to digest the information. It was as if I could feel her anxiety and I kept rubbing at my chest. "Rav, what's wrong," Corey whispered when he noticed.

I nodded toward Avery, "I feel her. She's so scared, but trying to push it down. I can't imagine how she's holding it together." He looked at her and noticed her behavior as well, then looked back at me. I let out a sigh. "Avery, what can we do for you?" I asked her, cutting Nate off. "I can feel your turmoil, love."

She looked at me, her eyes watering. "I...I don't know. I thought we were safe here, but now... How did that thing get in here? Is there anywhere I can keep my children safe?" She shook as she spoke, "I still don't even know how the fuck to kill that damn bitch!"

I moved closer to the bed and knelt before her. "With that fire," I told her. "Don't let her get in your head, that's what she wants. You are brilliant, Avery. Use your resources and learn about her, about her kind."

She gripped my hands, and gave me a determined look, "You're right, Raven. I need to stop playing the damsel and become the damn banshee I am. She's messed with the wrong woman. No one and I mean no one messes with my family." She looked at Victor. "Do you know how to contact Sang and her husband? I think his knowledge is going to be needed."

"We can get a message to them. He did say as a dragon he was honor-bound to help. I think we might want to consult Mab and even Marith about today's events as well," he told her.

"Good. For now, we need to make sure all of us stay in at least pairs, and never leave the kids alone - not Erin or the twins." She stood up, hands on her hips, and growled, "The bitch made the mistake of fucking with my kids. I'm still scared, but now I'm furious too."

"There's our Avery," Owen smirked. She rolled her eyes at him and giggled as the entire room began to feel less tense.

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