Chapter 45

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I watched her chest rise and fall as she slept. I didn't want to wake her and destroy her peace, but I knew we couldn't keep it from her forever.

**The night before**

"What do you mean she's been dropped from the rosters?" Nathan asked Kota.

"Keep your voice down, we don't want to wake Avery," Kota said in a low voice as we moved into the front room and away from the bedroom where she lay sleeping. "I've been tracking the female student withdrawals with Owen and Victor's help. As of this morning, Jennifer was dropped with no explanation."

"Five other female students have been dropped over the past year and a half in addition to our two known rape victims, and now Jennifer," Owen added. "When my PI reached out to their families, they all had filed missing persons reports but only after months. They say the college didn't notify them because all the paperwork was in order and appeared to have their signatures. Jennifer's situation seems to be identical. I've got my guy reaching out to her family now. We need to be certain before we raise the alarm that she didn't just go off to find herself."

"That's bullshit and you know it," Nate snapped. "It has to be the two guys from the group. I'm telling you they drugged her that night. She didn't even make it two blocks before she passed out and then I had to carry her in because she was so out of it."

"Are the authorities doing anything about it?" North asked over the speaker.

"As far as they're concerned, there isn't any proof of foul play. These guys are damn good at covering their tracks," Kota answered.

"I knew I should have fucking stayed," Luke swore. "Or better yet, bring her here."

"She wouldn't have gone, Luke, and you know it. You need to keep Erin safe too. We aren't letting her out of our sight," I told him.

"I haven't heard from Sean yet, and honestly until we have answers, I don't want to alarm him," Owen said.

"Gabe's plane hasn't landed yet," I added. "I'll update him when he calls. So for now, what do we do? I for one can tell you I'm not leaving until this is settled."

"I think we keep her in our sights, hell, even go to classes with her if needed," Kota said. "You three need to stay put for Erin's sake. Avery is safe and we are going to keep her that way," he told Silas, North, and Luke. They grumbled but agreed.

"I say we let her sleep. Morning will be here soon enough," Nate frowned. "At least she can have one peaceful night."

**Current time**

Avery rolled over, stretching, her hazel eyes smiling up at me. "Good morning, grá. I have to admit I love waking up to you. I think you all are spoiling me."

I leaned down, my lips ghosting across hers, "I will spend the rest of our lives spoiling you." Her arms wrapped around me as the kiss deepened. I knew I should tell her, but I wanted this one calm moment to last. I nudged her legs apart as I moved above her. "I love you so much, Avery."

She held my face, her eyes giving me permission, and moaned, "I love you, Victor," as I sank into her warmth. Our bodies moved slowly as we made love. It was gentle and I couldn't stop my tears as I clung to her. She was my whole world. She had given me back my family and then brought Gabe, Luke, and me together. Never in my life did I ever imagine being loved this way. I never thought I was worthy, but she makes me feel like I am.

She whimpered as her legs tightened around my waist, "Victor." Her cries became more pronounced as we both felt our climax approaching. My fingers tangled in her hair as I held her face so that I could look into her eyes as we both came. Neither of us moved, our hearts still racing, breaths ragged. Finally, she sighed, "I have the feeling I'm going to need a stout cuppa for whatever you're avoiding."

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