Chapter 82

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Victor, North, and I had arranged to meet Sang and her husband in Rome. None of us felt safe meeting in Ireland or London since we knew at least two of the three were there. We were sitting in a small cafe when I heard her voice, "Hey guys."

Her smile was still the same, but her eyes looked less haunted, and physically she looked healthy, strong even. Her husband eyed us cautiously, but I couldn't blame him. North took the first step forward, his eyes watery, "Hey Sang, how are you?"

Sang accepted his open arms and croaked, "I'm good, Northstar. I missed you guys." He agreed and she turned to me when their hug broke. "Hey, Superman."

"Hi aggele," I whispered as I hugged her tightly. "You look happy."

"I am. I never meant to hurt you guys. I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Victor cleared his throat, "That's partially my fault, Sang."

She moved toward him, her green eyes determined, "No. You did what you had to for all of us. You sacrificed so much, my prince. I didn't understand back then, but after what we found, I pieced it all together - well, I thought I had."

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

She let out a sigh and held her hand out to her husband. "Guys this is my husband, Cliff. Cliff, this is Silas, North, and Victor."

He held his hand out and shook ours, "Pleasure to meet all of you. I've heard lots."

Victor held his hand for a moment longer then hissed in a low voice, "You're sídhe."

Cliff's eyes flashed golden as he nodded, "Let's take this to a more private setting, shall we?"


"So you're telling us that Chloe isn't really Chloe?" I sputtered. We had followed them back to their hotel and watched in amazement as Cliff spoke some odd language and the room suddenly became dead silent. You couldn't even hear the hum of the lights anymore. Then he and Sang proceeded to tell us that Owen's former girlfriend was some type of monster that was hellbent on forcing us to open the gate.

"She's ancient. We don't even have scrolls old enough to know her origins. She's walked the worlds for longer than this planet has existed and everywhere she goes, she sows discord, ripping families apart, and destroying anything or anyone who gets in her way. Somehow she knew about you, about the hidden bloodlines, or at least some of you." He explained as Sang sat holding his hand tightly.

"But how do Olivia and Isabelle fit into all of this, and what about the Academy, are they part of it as well?" Victor asked, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Somehow she's influenced the Academy over the years. That's why kids like us got left in horrible situations. She feeds off our suffering. Olivia and Isabelle may not even realize they are her pawns, or they may have struck a bargain with her - sort of like a Faustian deal," Sang added. "It wasn't until I met Cliff and he told me who he really was that I found out everything. He could see the shadows attached to me. It's like they were draining all my happiness. Anytime something went right, something horrible would follow."

I choked, "Holy shit - Volto."

Sang nodded, "Exactly. All the beatings from my stepmother, the attacks at Ashley Waters, then all feeds back to her or creatures like her."

"So how do we defeat her? How do we protect Avery and the kids?"

She looked at me and gave me a weak smile. "You don't Silas, or at least you don't protect Avery. She has to do this herself. It is your job to listen to your visions - both you and Brandon. They will help her know when and where the danger is coming from." Her gaze turned to North and Victor, "The two of you will be fighting something else altogether when she faces the gate, but I promise she won't be alone."

"How do we help Nate?" North asked. "Do either of you know if that baby is his?"

"I'm not sure yet, but Sean should know by now. I'm sure he's already figured out that Chloe isn't who she claims either," Cliff replied. "For now, Avery needs to stay out of sight. Marith's realm keeps her hidden. She can also travel to the Unseelie Court and that may be the best when she gives birth."

"You expect me to take my daughter to the kingdom of the woman who tried to rip out Gabe's heart," Victor barked.

Sang put her hand on his. "Not everything is what it seems now. It took me years to understand how different that world is, and there are still things I don't understand, but trust in the magic. Trust that not even Mab wants that creature to bring her shadows forth. The gate was closed long ago and it falls to the Dark Fae - especially the banshee to protect it and ensure it stays closed."

Victor's shoulders dropped, "What do we do now?"

"You learn your powers, practice, and trust in the bonds that have pulled all of you back together." Cliff pulled Sang against him, his head on her shoulder. "I'll keep this one safe, and if you need us, call. I'm honor-bound to help the Lady and her consorts, I won't shirk my responsibilities."

"What exactly are you?" I asked as we stood to leave. "I mean, I know Victor said you were sídhe, but what kind?"

He chuckled as Sang rolled her eyes. His eyes shifted to an amber color then became more catlike. Golden scales appeared around his face as his jaw elongated into the shape of a snout with jagged teeth. "Do you believe in dragons, Silas?" I gaped, taking a step back.

"Cliff, stop teasing them," Sang said, slapping his arm. "If you guys thought Raven was a boaster, try marrying a dragon. Conceited is an understatement," she giggled.  

Author's Notes:  I'm not usually a Sang fan, but this time I thought it would be nice to see her in a helpful role (albeit small) where there is good closure.

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