Chapter 70

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We were at a local restaurant in Dublin celebrating Avery's presentation. Once she had taken the podium, she was in full control of the room. She easily refuted and defended every point the panel threw at her. She never even looked at her document, but instead just let her hand rest on it as she spoke. She skillfully panned the audience with her gaze on smirking slightly at our large section. So that's what those millimeter smiles look like from the other side, huh?

Kota and Raven were the most outwardly upset by the stunt the Chancellor tried to pull. "What the fuck did you say to that lady to make her put Avery back on the list?" Gabe asked.

"I simply asked about her presentation. I told them I had come all the way from Russia to see her. When the woman asked about the personal matter, I told her bullshit. Everyone who mattered in her life was in that very room already."

"So what are we going to do about Ward?" Nate asked. "If he tried this, he'll try something else. You've still got a month until graduation."

Avery sighed, her hand rubbing her stomach lightly, "I know. I want to file a complaint, but what if he says I was lying?"

"We get the lady to write a statement too," Raven said with a smirk, "or we just give them this." He pushed a mini recorder onto the table and pushed play. The entire conversation between the two of them and then her questions about her 'personal' issue were all there.

Avery squealed in delight and jumped in his lap, hugging him tightly. I swear he looked like a cat that just ate a canary as he hugged her back. "Да, есть моя злющая ярмарка (Yes, there's my feisty fairy)," he chuckled.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered, "Да, мой защитный медведь, я - ваша злющая фея. (Yes, my protective bear, I'm your feisty fairy.)" Raven's eyes seemed to darken as he growled and crashed his lips to hers so quickly it made her squeak in surprise. When their kiss broke, her eyes were glazed, then a frown crossed her face. She looked at us with concern, " Are you mad at me for kissing him?"

"Do you remember what we told you about the guys at Christmas, Avery?" Victor asked her. She nodded, her cheeks coloring. "This is about you and what you want, love. We all had an inkling of what was coming already, and we may have even discussed it as well."

"If you have room enough in your heart for all of us, then who are we to argue, beautiful girl," Luke grinned. "Besides, if we refused, Raven might very well throw you over his shoulder and make a run for it based on the look in his eyes."

Raven laughed, "Da, I would fight for you if I had to, my feisty fairy, but I hope that won't be necessary."

She leaned against his chest and sighed, a smile ghosting across her lips, "No, I don't think it will be."


We all sat in the university offices waiting for the board to allow us inside. Avery had been a nervous wreck and had thrown up several times already this morning. We filed the complaint shortly after her presentation. The assistant, Mrs. Clarn, had been willing to write a statement and come to the board discussion.

"What if they decide he's right and I should be expelled?" Avery whispered, her knuckles white as she clenched North's hand.

"Hey, that's not going to happen," he told her, kissing her head. "What that guy tried was pathetic. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he tried to go behind the board's back as well as ours. We can't let him get away with it, baby."

She nodded hesitantly, "I know, but..."

"No buts," Victor said. "He is not going to threaten or intimidate our wife. End of story."

The door opened and Mrs. Clarn came out, giving us all a hopeful smile. Following behind her was another woman who motioned for us to come in. Avery and I sat in the middle, while the others surrounded us, some in chairs, some standing behind. I noticed the eyes of the board widen a bit as the fourteen of us formed a protective semicircle around her. Her hand was linked with mine and Nate's as the board president spoke. "Mrs. Dorman, we've had a chance to review the information you provided us, along with Mrs. Clarn's statement and testimony. Firstly, I want to say this is a rather unique situation and it does create concern - not only Chancellor Ward's actions, but the relationship you had with your then advisor, Dr. Lee as well."

We all bristled and some muttered at his statement, but he raised his hand, "Before you protest, please allow me to finish." Avery nodded as the man continued, "While the situation is unusual, we can find no indication that any improper assistance was provided. The fact that Dr. Lee is certified in physics and mathematics does help support this stance. Additionally, the flawless defense of your doctoral thesis made it clear that you have become expertly versed in the content. The board agrees that your level of knowledge on the topic simply cannot be rehearsed based on the Q&A session."

He grabbed some papers and sighed, "Now as for the actions of Chancellor Ward. His behavior was not sanctioned by this board or the university. He was one of the nay votes on your continued enrollment when you and Dr. Lee came forward with your marriage. You are not nor have you been expelled, Mrs. Dorman."

"What of Ward?" I asked, "Will there be any punitive actions taken? We were concerned that he might try to interfere with her graduation."

"His position is under review per the university policies. But please, rest assured there will be no complications with graduation." He turned to look at Avery, "Mrs. Dorman, you have been an exemplary student in your time at Trinity. We will be proud to see you walk the stage in June."

"Thank you, President Kerns," Avery said quietly, "Um since I'm done with all of my requisites, do I need to remain on campus, or can I return in June for the graduation ceremony?"

He spread his hands, "I see no reason for you to remain on campus if that isn't your desire. As you said, all of your requirements are completed."

She turned to look at us, "Then can we go home now?"

"Absolutely," I said as we all headed out the door with the woman we loved. 

Author's Notes:  A bit of a lull in action, but we aren't done yet, my lovelies!  Any suggestions on who/what should take us down our next rabbit hole?

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