Chapter 11

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I watched her walking, eyes down, completely engrossed in what she was reading, and found myself drifting toward her. I hadn't meant to spill her coffee, only get her attention. Her hazel eyes met mine as I offered, "I can buy you another." Wow, she was beautiful.

Her pink lips parted and then she seemed to realize I'd spoken as her cheeks flushed, "Oh, no, that's okay. I'm on my way to class and too much caffeine never helped anyone sit through a lecture quietly." She thanked me as she reached for her books.

Damn, that blush looked good. I smiled and answered, "Of course, I mean I practically tackled you. Are you sure I can't replace the coffee, or maybe even buy you one after your lecture?"

"Um, uh, thanks but I'm seeing someone," she sputtered, "Sorry, I really do have to hurry - first day of lecture and all." I watched as she hurried down the hall like a frightened rabbit.

"Gee way to strike out, Kota," I muttered to myself as I wove through the labyrinth of classrooms. I was surprised to receive the offer from Trinity. I'd finished my own studies at Cambridge and took a temporary position just last fall. When this offer came in, I simply couldn't turn down the opportunity. Of course, I also didn't realize it would mean overseeing a doctoral course either.

I stepped into the room and instantly my eyes honed in on her. She had her head down again as I addressed the class. I saw her eyes widen and noticed her chest rise rapidly when she recognized me. I struggled to keep my attention moving around the room as I briefed them. When she approached my podium with the other TA student I again struggled to keep myself professional.

William had left and I turned to her, wanting to see if her lips were as soft as they looked. "Well Ms. Dorman, may I first apologize for my forwardness earlier? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. That being said, if you prefer, I can assign you to a different professor for your TA course."

"Oh, no, that's okay, Dr. Lee. I guess it just took me off guard," she replied.

I hummed a bit, then looked back at her schedule. "Ethics or philosophy?"

"I'm sorry?"

I have to admit I loved the way I seemed to fluster her. She was so innocent, not even realizing she was staring. We worked out the specifics of her TA hours and I watched her walk out. Damn, why did she have to be my student?

I gathered my materials and headed back to my office as my phone pinged. I looked down to see a message from my sister.

Jess: Hey big brother, guess what I heard?

I laughed as I responded - Kota: What - beanie babies are back in style?

Jess: Ha ha, smarty pants. I heard that Luke is in Ireland with Erin and so is Victor.

I stared at the phone for a few moments, my fingers shaking.

Kota: Are you sure? Who told you?

Jess: North. He said Luke goes there every fall to house-sit for a friend so that Erin can see Fiona's parents. The house next door is Victor's grandmother's. He's living there now. You should go see them. I'm sending you the address and Luke's number there.

Kota: I don't know, Jess. I haven't seen any of them since Fiona's funeral and way longer on Victor. I'm not even sure I want to see him after what he did to us.

Jess: Stop it. You need to see them. North and Silas are going to come over for Christmas. Just talk to them, Kota. At least get some closure. I love you, bro❣️

Kota: Alright, don't have to beat me over the head. I can see the puppy dog eyes already. I'll call him soon. I just started today and it's gonna be a crazy schedule. I love you too, sis.

We talked a bit more about her kids and mom, then I started working on my lessons. However, my mind kept drifting back to those hazel eyes. I think I might have to make an unannounced observation in my class soon, I grinned to myself.

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