Chapter 41

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She'd fallen asleep before we even reached the hotel. We tucked her into the bed and sat in the small study with Owen on speakerphone. "Do the local authorities have any leads?" he asked.

"Not from what I've gathered. I didn't tell her everything, Owen. This wasn't the first attack. There was another just after winter break. It wasn't until this latest one that they realized they have a serial rapist on their hands."

"What details make them believe they're connected?" Nate asked.

I drew in a shaky breath, "It was what he said and did to them. He called them breeders. Told them they were meant to carry his children and be his property. He even carved the word breeder into their stomachs. He told the first woman she was in heat when he raped her."

"What the fuck," Nate swore, "That's sick."

Owen agreed, "I'm assuming he said similar things to his latest victim?"

"Yeah, but what's fucked up is he wasn't wrong. He has to be stalking these women. The first victim ended up pregnant. She was in that three-day frame where fertility was the highest when he attacked her. According to the reports, so was Megan. It's just too early to confirm a pregnancy yet."

"Is there anything else?" Owen asked. "I need to give my PI as much information as possible to keep our girl safe."

"They both had the same course, Developmental Foundations. It's the class Avery had with Megan. The first victim, Silla, was also in the course, but only for the first week so her absence was less noticeable. Megan was in her project group along with Jennifer Blaise and Shane Corwin. It's the same guy that made her uncomfortable that day, and from what Nate said, she seemed uncomfortable when he approached her at the pub tonight."

"I'll get a background check on him immediately," Owen said. "Keep me posted and I'll contact you when I know more."

"Thanks, Owen. All these years later and we're still doing missions," I grimaced.

"For her, we will do anything," he replied.


Kota had headed back to his apartment and I had climbed into the bed next to Avery just as my phone vibrated.

Gabe: Just so you know, I'm jealous that you get to play house with her

Nate: At least you get to keep her

Gabe: Stop fighting it, and you would too. It's as plain as the nose on your face, man.

Nate: We'll see

Gabe: Keep her safe, Nate. I can't lose her again.

Nate: With my life - I promise.

I closed the phone and looked at her for a few moments as she slept, her little nose scrunching up as she dreamed. I gently kissed her head, then laid down, spooning against her.

Avery startled as she woke up, elbowing me in the ribs. "Oh my stars, Nathan, I'm so sorry! I...I forgot for a moment where I was. I didn't hurt you did I?"

I grunted a bit, rubbing my side, "I'll be okay. At least I know you can defend yourself."

"Hey, I'm tiny, but I'm fierce, dangit!" she huffed, wagging her finger at me.

"Slow down there, tiger. I'm not laying down any challenges," I chuckled as she continued to pout and grumble. "Why don't you go take a shower first? Kota put some of your things in the bathroom already and there should be a few outfits too. I'll text him and see if he's joining us for breakfast."

She stretched and yawned, "Okay. Thank you. I appreciate this, I mean you barely know me and here you are putting your life on hold for me."

"Cariño, this is the most adventure I've had since retiring. Sadly, at the grand ole age of twenty-eight, I'm downright boring."

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed, "I doubt that. Good grief you were engaged to a woman who looked like a fecking supermodel, and then there's Gabriel...keeping pace with him has to be challenging."

"Yeah, you may have a point about Gabe, but as far as Iz, well... Gabe was right. I latched onto her looks, knowing she was shallow and just after my money. It was my way of making sure she didn't leave like Sang did. I kinda lost my shit after she vanished. I was so angry and then I started drinking. I'm an alcoholic, Avery. I can't touch the stuff or I go downhill fast. I tend to get belligerent and violent...that's how I ended up in the military. It was that or prison."

I expected her to look at me in disgust, but instead, she crawled over and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so proud of you for not letting your addiction destroy you, Nathan," she whispered as she hugged me tightly. My chest felt tight as I wrapped my arms around her and broke. I couldn't stop the sobs that escaped my mouth. Never in my life had I heard those words. They resonated inside of me, lighting a spark of hope I thought had died long ago. She stroked my hair and comforted me, "Shh, I've got you, A mhuirnín." Hearing her call me darling again, made me grip her harder. Who was this woman that had captured all of us so easily, so innocently? Gabe was right...I did want to be loved by her, but would she want me? 

Author's Notes:  Please comment, vote, share, and follow, my lovelies!

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