Chapter 98

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"The Queen is coming," the shadows hissed. "You will join us, shade."

"Owen! Owen, wake up, dammit!" Sean shouted as I felt him shaking me. I scrambled back, pushing at him as I frantically scanned the area.

"Where did they go?" I gasped.

"Who? You were dreaming, love," he said calmly, reaching out for me.

I flinched, "No, I heard them. Sean, she's coming." He looked around at the grove in confusion. "The shadows, they said she's coming."

"Can she even come here?"

"I don't know, but I think we need to tell the others." He helped me stand up from where I'd fallen asleep at the base of a large tree. We moved toward the others who had taken up resting places as we waited for Kota to return.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," Silas asked.

"I wish it was just a ghost. The shadows were talking to me in my sleep. They said their Queen was coming. They called me a shade. What if she's trying to open the gate again?" I felt my own body shiver as I spoke my fears.

"Oh fuck," most of them muttered. "Any idea how we stop her?" Victor asked.

"I might have some suggestions," Kota's voice boomed across the area. A soft glow shone around him as he walked closer. His entire demeanor seemed eerily calm.


I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something was different about Kota. We all sat and listened as Owen explained what he had heard in his dreams and his fears, then waited for Kota to explain his ideas. He leaned on folded hands, deep in thought before speaking.

"You need to go get Avery." He said simply.

"Wait, what about Gabe?" Luke and Victor asked.

Kota shook his head, "Owen can't bring him back. Gabe's not ready, but don't worry, he will return when he's meant to."

"Well, that's fucking cryptic," I snorted.

Kota slapped my shoulder and chuckled, "Isn't it?"

"So what exactly is Gabe if he isn't human now?" Corey asked.

"He's not going to be like a zombie or vampire is he?" Nate laughed. "I know I used to think those were cool, but all things considered, now I'm not so sure."

"Says the dog," Raven grinned. Nate growled in response as we all laughed.

"He is death itself and a fierce guardian. His strength will be a force to reckon with even with your mate bonds," Kota told Luke and Victor. "It will take him time to understand his own power, so be patient. He will also feel the loss of his humanity once he leaves Shadow. This will be the most painful transition of all for him. The entire world will seem and feel different while he adjusts."

"Are you sure he isn't going to be a vampire? That sounds an awful lot like a vampire," Brandon added.

Kota laughed, "Not a vampire. A dark spirit - a very dark spirit."

"Okay, so how do I get to Avery and how do we stop Chloe?" Owen huffed impatiently.

"Owen," Sean chided.

"No! I'm tired of all of this," he ranted, throwing his hands in the air. We all gaped at the usually mild-mannered Owen. He never got upset like this. "I can't keep sitting here in this....this fucked up unfolding fairy tale and do nothing! It's like those fucking shadows are crawling inside of me and I want to dig into my skin so hard and rip them out..." He was practically hyperventilating as he continued to shout.

Raven and I both stepped closer to him as Sean tried to calm him, but he continued until Kota came to stand nose-to-nose with him. "Stop," he spoke firmly in a hushed voice and Owen seemed to almost lock in place. "Do not fight the shadows within you, Shade. Let them guide you to her...she is waiting for you." He placed two fingers on Owen's forehead and we all watched as his form began to fade, until he finally vanished into thin air.

"Where the hell did my husband go?" Sean yelled.

"Behind the gate," Kota replied. "We need to get back to the Unseelie Courts. Avery will need the darkness to heal and Gabe cannot enter this court."

"Wait, but what about Chloe? Owen said she was coming, won't it be easier for her to get to us in the Dark Fae courts?" Marc asked.

Kota nodded, "Exactly."

"Kota, man, I get you're this all-knowing elf wizard guy now, but the rest of us need the full version," I grumbled. "Because right now, you don't seem to be giving the best answers or advice."

He chuckled, "Yeah, you're probably right. So here's the short version. Owen is following his inner shadow to Avery's to bring her back. The transition from where she is to here would be devastating for a banshee like her so we have to go back to the Unseelie Courts. Gabe's new form would possibly be harmed by this much light, especially at first, so we need to be where he can find us when he comes back as well. Lastly, we can't hide or run forever. It is our job to finish this once and for all. Avery fulfilled her obligations as a banshee when she willingly went inside the gate. Now, it is up to us to finish the false Queen before she can harm anyone else ever again. Is that concise enough for you, North?"

"Yep, that works," I laughed as we all began our trek back to the dark.

Author's Notes:  The end is near...

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