Chapter 87

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Luke and I had stayed in the room with the kids while Avery went to find answers. Erin had fallen asleep on the bed while I rocked Aine. Connor was content in his crib, napping. Aine had her father's eyes just as she had that night on the moors. It felt surreal to be holding her when I'd seen her as an adult already. It is truly bizarre the way our lives have changed in such a short time, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

"How's Erin doing with all of this?" I asked Luke.

He grinned looking down at her. "She doesn't even seem to be fazed. I have to wonder how much she already knew about Faerie. I remember she said Fiona had been playing with her and the sprites before we all went to Tír na nÓg for the first time." He moved away from the bed, coming to sit next to me. "I have a sneaky suspicion my daughter knows far more about Faerie than any of us at this point."

I laughed, "Then I need her to give me some pointers. Here I'm supposed to be able to see shadows, and I never saw that thing coming." I shook my head in frustration, "What if I can't do what I'm supposed to? What if I can't help Avery?"

Luke took my hand, "Hey, don't do that. You're getting in your own head and looking for doubts that aren't there. If I've learned anything in my life, it's that what is meant to happen will happen. It may not go the way we planned, but the universe has a rhyme and a reason for all of it. We just have to trust in that and each other. Besides, the universe gave me Fiona and Erin. And when I lost Fiona, it gave me Avery, Victor, and you. Personally, I feel like I've won the damn lottery." He pressed a kiss to my lips, then tickled Aine's chin. "I love you, Gabe. When the time comes, you will be all that she needs you to be and more. I know it."

Tears stung my eyes as I looked into his chocolate ones. "Damn, how did I ever get this lucky," I asked, my voice strained.

He gave a low laugh and pulled on the nape of my neck carefully so as not to disturb the baby, then kissed me until I was breathless, then chuckled, "Magic."


"We need answers, not more riddles," I growled. Both Marith and Mab were being vague and I knew it wasn't an accident. "If I'm supposed to keep this damned gate sealed, then the two of you need to start giving me some fucking information! And don't start with that "others before you crap." We all know this isn't the same. Chloe or whatever the fuck she is wasn't an issue all the times before, or at least not to the extent she is now. So ladies, give us answers or you can deal with it on your own."

Mab groaned, "Oh all the stubborn..." She threw her hands up and sighed, "We don't know! This - all of you - it's new," she waved her arm around at all of us. "The last banshee to face a gate was your own Maimeó, and her confrontation wasn't as large."

"Then perhaps, you would allow me to speak with her?" I asked.

Marith shook her head, "It won't matter. Just as Caoimhe told you, each experience is different. Some banshees have faced the gate when they lost a loved one. The shadows try to bargain, promising to return the lost soul if the banshee opens the gate for them. Or they try to offer a trade - the soul of a banshee for their loved one. Maggie was offered that in exchange for restoring your parents, but she knew it was all lies. Had she opened the gate, not only your parents would have been lost, but all of us."

I felt myself sway slightly, then warm arms engulfed me. I looked up into Silas's dark eyes briefly, then asked her, "Did the shadows kill my parents?" The stricken look on her face was all the answer I needed. I took a ragged breath, fighting back the tears. My heart ached. I can't imagine the pain my Maimeó had faced and then carried all those years.

I felt Marith's hand on my arm. "Don't pity her, child. She couldn't stop it and you can't either."

My eyes snapped up, "What can't I stop?"

"The sacrifice," Mab said solemnly. "Shadow will claim someone you love. They've already seen it, just not who - not yet," she said, nodding to Silas and Brandon. I looked up at Silas, then to Brandon. Their eyes were haunted by Mab's warning.

Growing angry, I pushed Silas away. "Bullshit! I won't accept it, I won't let her have them - any of them!" They tried to speak to me, but I turned and ran down the corridor, not even knowing where I was running to.

I have no idea how far I'd run, but my legs were aching and there was a pain in my side when I finally came to a stop, falling to my knees. I gasped for air, finally taking in my surroundings. It was always hazy and dark in the Unseelie Court as if the sun had abandoned it. Ahead of me was a murky pool of water that flowed from an unseen source. The edges were ringed with reeds and cattails. I swiped at my tears, furious at myself for being weak yet again. I'm a fecking banshee for goddess sakes!

"What troubles you Lady?" a soft voice asked from the waters. I craned my neck trying to see who had spoken to me. "Here, My Lady," the voice said again as the water shifted and a sickly-looking horse-like creature emerged. Holy shit, my eyes widened and I scooted back a bit...that's a ... "Yes, I'm a Kelpie, My Lady, but as a banshee, you have nothing to fear from me or my kind. In essence, we are kin."

"S...sorry, I'm still new at this," I stammered.

The Kelpie made a snorting sound and its mouth appeared to grin, showing sharp teeth. "It is always the way with hybrid Fae. Most never even know who they truly are, My Lady."

"Please, call me..."

The Kelpie cut me off, "Don't. Your youth betrays you, My Lady. Never give away your true name. Names have power, especially in Faerie. Simply be content with the name I call you or refer to yourself only as a banshee - even with those you trust. This is the Unseelie Court, banshee. Not all Dark Fae are loyal to Mab. Shadows find refuge here and they answer to their Queen, not ours."

I bit my tongue knowing I had been reckless. I'd been raised on the legends, yet still, I acted more human than Fae. "Is their Queen the one who attacked my husbands?"

The Kelpie nodded, "She is ancient and insatiable. Many Fae have fallen to her hunger, some even becoming shadows themselves." The creature sank back into the water a bit before continuing. "So what brings you to my shores, banshee?"

I studied the creature for a few moments before speaking. "Can fate be changed?"

It snorted, "Fate changes with every second. Every choice, every action alters our fates and those around us. Your footsteps leading you here changed fate, but none of us will know how until we are meant to, My Lady." He turned his head, his pale eyes assessing me, then asked, "Who's fate do you seek to change - yours or one you love?"

"I...I'm not sure. The Queen said..." My words dropped off. I couldn't even repeat them.

"Ahh, she foretells darkness and you want to stop it," he snorted, his mane splashing water as he moved. "Why do you fight the darkness, banshee? It is in your veins, your soul."

"What do you mean?" I leaned forward, not understanding his intention.

"Come let me show you who you really are, banshee. Come into my waters and learn your power - not from the goddess, but your dark powers. Change your fate, My Lady," he said.

I felt a pull in my gut like my very soul wanted to follow him. I didn't know if I was being deceived or if this was really what I was meant to do, but I had to find out. I walked toward the water and hesitated, "But how will I breathe?"

He snorted, "You are death, banshee. You just haven't realized it yet. Now, climb on. It's time you learn your true self."  

Author's Notes:  Hmm...did Avery just make a huge mistake?

Sorry for the absence.  Life is at a chaotic pace right now - putting in 12-14 hour days is killing me.

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