Chapter 69

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"Where's Avery?" I asked as I saw North setting out a plate of toast and hot tea. He nodded to the bathroom. "Again?"

"Yeah, she's having a rough start. I'm sure her nerves about the presentation aren't helping either. Sean and Owen are with her now," he said. "There's bacon and pancakes in the oven, but don't eat around her - the smell is what tipped her off."

I grimaced. That woman loved bacon more than anyone I know so it's got to be bad if she can't even stand the smell. She came into the room and gave me a weak smile, "Good morning, professor."

I kissed the top of her head, "Cheeky, Mrs. Dorman, very cheeky," I told her as she gave a soft laugh, and then started eating her toast. She hummed slightly as she sipped the tea. "Ohh, buttermint. Thank you, North!" I watched her talk with each of us as she nibbled the toast. Even with the morning sickness, she was pure light. "So are all of you coming to watch?"

"We want to, but if it's going to make you nervous we won't," Luke said, kissing her head. "Although, I am having Aoife pick Erin up. I didn't think you needed a four-year-old on your hip during the debate portion," he chuckled.

"I don't know, she's awfully cute. It might earn me extra points," she winked at me. "Thoughts my handsome advisor?"

"I think you don't need extra points. If I know our wife, you will wow all of them. It's a solid paper, Avery. Far better than anything I've ever done." I meant it. The concepts she presented were thought-provoking, and she backed every single point up with more than the required evidence.


Three outfits and two hours later, we arrived at the symposium hall. Avery gave us kisses as she entered the classroom to the side, and we took our seats in the audience section. A few minutes passed as more people streamed in. I saw Victor wave his hand and looked up to see the Toma group make their way over to us.

"I'm glad you guys made it," Victor whispered.

Axel nodded, "Would miss it. I just hope we aren't a distraction."

"As long as the Russian doesn't shoot anyone or talk out loud, we should be good," North snorted.

"I'll shoot after," Raven winked. We all rolled our eyes at him, then stopped talking as the moderator came to the podium.

Once the presentations started, I began to feel nervous, but I didn't know why. Avery was fourth on the roster, but it seemed to be taking forever. When a young man from my class stepped out instead of Avery we all exchanged concerned glances. Marc was closest to the door and whispered he would go check on her.

I lightly knocked on the door. "Y..yes," I heard her soft voice say. I opened the door to see her sitting on a chair, her papers scattered on the floor, and crying. "Marc?" she asked looking up.

"Avery, what's wrong?" I started gathering her papers, but she stopped me.

"It doesn't matter. I've been expelled for breaking the moral conduct code. None of it matters anymore," she sobbed. I pulled her into my arms and stroked her hair softly.

"Okay, sweetie, you need to explain. Who said you were expelled?" I was trying to text while she answered.

"Chancellor Ward. He said the board had to revisit the matter and that my marriage to Kota and relationship prior gave the implication of impropriety. He accused me of using Kota to get published. I was so mad...I...I may have said a few things about his mother that I shouldn't have," she blushed, lowering her head.

I gave a slight chuckle as the door opened. "Avery?" Kota asked, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and sadness. "When did Ward come and tell you this, did he give you any sort of written notice?"

"No, he just left before Marc came. He said I wouldn't be allowed to present and my expulsion was immediate and retroactive. I have to redo the entire final year with a new advisor and that's only if they allow me to reapply." She looked so defeated.

"Get papers, fairy," Raven growled. "You are presenting," then he stormed out.

A few moments later a mousy-looking woman knocked and poked her head in, "Um, pardon me, but there seems to have been some sort of confusion. Mrs. Dorman, did you not wish to withdraw your presentation? Chancellor Ward indicated there was a personal matter you needed to attend to and would have to reschedule."

"But he said," Avery started, but I cut her off.

"Mrs. Dorman will be there in a moment, thank you." The woman closed the door and I turned back to her. "Now, take a breath and let it all out. We will get it sorted after you're done, but for now, you just need to show them that amazing mind of yours, wildfire." I pulled her against me and whispered, "You will be amazing, love," then lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Just as sweet as I imagined," I hummed as she giggled.

They all gave her hugs and kisses, then headed back to the viewing area. "Aren't you going?" she asked me.

"Nope, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be," I said with a grin, as I cupped her face and kissed her again. "I'll wait until you go out, then I'll go watch. For now, I want to keep holding your hand and kissing these amazing lips, my little wildfire."

Her eyes shone as she returned my kisses until the mousy woman poked her head in again. "They're ready for you, Mrs. Dorman."

"Thank you," she nodded and with a last kiss, she walked into the room. I ran as quickly as I could, taking my seat again.

Kota gave me a look and mouthed - thank you. I just nodded and turned my attention to the woman who had stolen my heart as she took command of the room.

Author's Notes:  Well, there goes Marc.  Please comment, vote, and follow!

*Twinnings Peppermint and Creamy Vanilla tea (formerly called Buttermint) is a pregnancy must if you like peppermint - caffeine free 😀

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