Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you have everything?" Victor asked her for like the third time.

Avery rolled her eyes and huffed, "Yes mother." Erin and I snorted with laughter as Victor gruffed. He really was being a mother hen about it all. I mean she was just a few hours away and it's not like we weren't going to see her again soon. Victor would be going up in a couple of weeks and then I would go up after that while Erin stayed with Vic so that she and I could have some private adult time.

Admittedly, that scared me. I hadn't even kissed anyone since Fiona died until the day Avery kissed me in the kitchen. I felt her soft hand on my arm and looked down into those hazel eyes. "What are you thinking, m'anamchara?"

I felt tears prickle in my eyes at the phrase. "I'm thinking I love hearing you call me your soulmate, and that I love you, Avery." Tears filled her eyes as well as she leaned up to meet my lips. I heard Victor and Erin giggle as they left the room, and quickly pulled her into my arms. "Damn, I'm going to miss you," I groaned as my lips ghosted against her neck.

She sighed, "I've never wished I was done with school as much as I do right now."

I chuckled, "I know, baby, but you're so close - you can't stop now. Besides, when you graduate, I get to say I'm dating a doctor."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not sure that a doctorate in education counts."

"Good enough for me," I grinned as I lifted her up and set her on the counter. I stood between her knees and cupped her face. "You are brilliant, Av. Erin and I are blessed to have you in our lives, and now so is Victor. Just focus on your school and we will come see you every few weeks. Trimester break will be here before you know it. Maybe we can all take a trip out to Dingle or the Cliffs."

"I'd like that," she grinned, her fingers tangling in my hair. I leaned in, pressing against her body as my hands trailed down her back and gently squeezed her ass. "Luke," she whispered as she arched toward me. Our lips crashed together as we began exploring one another with our hands. Gods, I wanted to feel her bare skin against mine. She whimpered when I undid the top buttons on her blouse and slid my hand inside her bra. Her nipples were at full attention as I gently tugged on them. A small gasp escaped her lips when I bent my head and ran my tongue over them.

"You are so beautiful," I breathed as I continued to explore her soft skin. I was so lost in her that we were both startled when Victor's voice came from the hallway.

"Hope you're ready," he warned as she quickly redid the buttons and I readjusted myself.

"Goddess, I'm gonna need more batteries," Avery muttered and I choked. She looked at me innocently, "What? You two keep getting me all flustered and then leave me hanging. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Besides, BOB is travel size."

I leaned in and whispered, "When I do make love to you, Avery, you'll never be satisfied with BOB again." Color rushed to her cheeks as she shivered slightly. "Good girl," I said, with a quick kiss below her ear.

"Mama Avery, why is your face so red?" Erin asked.

Avery coughed and I said, "Because I tickled her like this," as I grabbed her up and tickled her belly. She squealed and giggled as Victor and Avery laughed.


An hour later we stood in front of the train station waving to our girl as she blew kisses from the window. Erin leaned against my shoulder, yawning.

"Looks like someone is worn out," Victor commented.

I held her tight as she clung to her stuffed rabbit and started to fall asleep. "Yeah, she'll be out before we even leave town," I replied softly. "So have you heard anything back from Owen?"

Victor opened the car door so I could set Erin in her seat. "Yeah, he and Sean will be in later this week. I was thinking you and Erin could just pop in for a visit," he chuckled.

I shut her door, then climbed into the front passenger seat as I answered him, "Sounds great. I can't wait to see their expressions."


I stumbled into my small flat and landed on the bed.

Avery: Just got into the flat. Picked up takeout, then headed to bed. Orientation is at eight tomorrow. I'll message you at lunch break.

Victor: Glad you're home safe. Get some rest, love. I miss you already.

Luke: Put on your joggers and rest, baby. Erin and I love you bunches!

I giggled at their responses, a huge smile covering my face.

Avery: I miss you all too! Hugs, kisses, and all my love! Night 😴

I took Luke's suggestion and put on my joggers and a tank top, then climbed back in bed with my stew. I ate and browsed through my paperwork for tomorrow. Frowning, I noticed the name of my advisor had been changed and apparently my TA assignment as well. Both currently said TBD. "Well that's just rude," I muttered around my spoon. "They could have at least messaged. Guess I'll have to find out the details tomorrow."

Putting my food away, I washed my face and climbed under the covers. Tomorrow would arrive all too soon.

Author's Notes:  m'anamchara (pronounced on-um-khorr-ah) means soul friend or soulmate in Irish Gaelic

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