Chapter 97

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Despite being dead, I could still feel her in the matebond. And while that was amazing, feeling her becoming weaker and weaker concerned me. She was sleeping more often, so I just continued to follow the streak of mist that pointed us westward. However, the streak seemed to be fading and I feared it was because Avery was fading. I don't want her to die in this fucked up place. Hell, I don't want her to die at all.

The sky seemed to have gotten darker, so I found a small gathering of rocks to settle her down in. Fuck, Luke, I wish you were here. At least you could keep her warm with that damn dragon heat of yours, I chuckled to myself as I ran my fingers over his mark.


I blinked, rubbing my eyes. Great, now I'm hallucinating. I could have sworn I just heard his voice.

Gabe, was that you, love?

Luke? Holy fuck, how?

I have no idea...I...I thought you were...

I am, love, yet somehow I'm still here.

How bad is Av?

She's fading, Luke. There's nothing here - no food or water, hell there isn't really even sunlight, just barren rocks and grey everywhere. I don't know how to get her home.

We're working on that. Just keep her safe, baby. I love you - his voice cracked as he spoke.

I love you too, Luke. I'll keep her safe. Kiss Vic for me.

I will. His voice faded and for a few moments, I felt so alone.

"Gabriel," her voice was so quiet I barely heard her.

"Oh, Chaton," I sighed as I looked down at her cracking lips. I ran my tongue gently over them, trying to ease her pain and she whimpered. I softly kissed her and she leaned into me more.

"Please," she begged, her hands moving under my shirt.

I moaned when her skin touched mine and pulled her into my lap. I began nipping at her neck, running my tongue over her soft skin. Her hips began to grind against me as my grip tightened, "Fuck, baby." I pulled her top open and bent my head to her breasts. Her hands lowered and began to fumble with my pants.

We were soon mostly free of our clothing as she slid down on my cock, whimpering loudly. I buried my face in her neck as I began thrusting harder. With every move, she countered, rolling her hips to take me deep. I couldn't get enough of her. The air carried our sounds as we both gave in to our needs. I saw the shadows drawing nearer, but I couldn't stop. It felt like something or someone was whispering in my ear as my lips latched onto her neck. I found her sweet spot just at the collarbone. Avery bucked harder when I began to suck. I felt a low rumble come from my chest and in seconds I pierced her neck with my teeth.

"Gabriel," she moaned, clinging to me as her body began to violently shake. Her orgasm sent her into a series of unintelligible cries and words, but I couldn't stop. It felt like I was going to physically burst as my cock seemed to swell to the point that I couldn't even pull back far as I continued to fuck her.

Finally, I felt a tingle at the base of my balls and a surge of cum flooded into her as I roared out her name. Her eyes were glazed as she fell against my chest limply. "Oh, love," I whispered, stroking her face softly. I looked in amazement at the mark on her neck. How the fuck had I done that?

What am I becoming?


We stood before a very flowery arch signaling the entrance to the Seelie Court. It was such a drastic dichotomy from the Unseelie Court where shadows and darkness swirled, yet here, the light seemed pure, innocent even. A delicate-looking creature hovered above the mossy greenery as she looked at us. "I thought the old lizard was lying," the creature said in a feathery soft voice. Her head bowed to me, "Master Elf, we are honored by your presence."

I glanced at the others unsure of how to respond, "Um, thank you." My voice was filled with doubt that she quickly noticed.

"You have no idea who you are, do you?" she snickered.

"Not really," I admitted. "The serpent said I needed to see the unicorn, but up until a few hours ago, I didn't even know they were real."

She let out an airy laugh and motioned for us to follow her. We began walking into the Seelie Court as the air filled with the smell of summer flowers and honey. The light felt good on my skin, making me feel better with each step.

"You aren't meant to stay in the dark for too long, Master Elf," the small fairy spoke. "Neither are they," she motioned to Corey and Raven. "Their magic pulls from the light, just as yours does. Remaining in the dark for too long will weaken your powers. Your friends that are of the dark may find themselves becoming tired the longer they remain in our courts." She abruptly stopped, "Only you can proceed from here."

I felt Nate's hand on my shoulder as I looked into the tree line. "You've got this, man. We'll be right here waiting for you."

I nodded and turned to follow the fairy into a heavily wooded grove. We continued walking for what seemed to be hours. The trees grew so tightly together that I soon became disoriented and lost. "Um, excuse me, but where are we going?" I asked the creature. No response came and it was only then that I realized she had left me. "Well, that's just fucking great," I muttered as I looked upward. "All-powerful Master Elf my ass."

"You're a lot grouchier than I remember," a soft voice said. I jumped, looking around for the source, and let out a strangled noise as a snowy white unicorn stepped from the trees. "What has happened to you?"

My mouth moved, but no sound escaped, until finally I grunted, "Huh?"

The unicorn made a giggling sound and stepped even closer, then tilted its head, "Such darkness in your heart, your past. So much has been taken from you - most of all, your memories."

" do you know all of that?" I stammered. My arm lifted as if reacting of its own volition. "How can you...I don't ... I don't know you."

The creature pawed at the dirt, "Nonsense! You just don't remember me. After all, it was your magic that gave me life." My eyes widened and I trembled as her words struck me, and then the world went white as a blinding light surrounded us. Her horn pressed into the palm of my hand piercing it. "Remember me, remember yourself, ancient one."

Author's Notes:  Sorry for my absence, but life has been busy.  However, on a very happy note - my personal life has taken a very pleasant turn...

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