Chapter 16

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Avery kept her nose buried in her book listening to music as the train moved on. I looked up at Kota, "So you really had no idea?"

"No, man. Luke and I only talked a few days ago and he never mentioned her name. She also never mentioned him by name, just said she was seeing someone the first day I met her. Honestly, I wasn't sure if she really had a boyfriend or was just saying that to get me to back off. How do you two already know her so well?"

"She was Fiona's best friend. After the accident, she stepped up to help with Erin and basically put Luke back together. She's been over a couple of times. She's also Erin's godmother," North answered.

"That's where I recognized her from," Kota muttered as we raised our eyebrows. "She was sick last week and needed to cancel her TA duties. She was so pale I didn't feel safe letting her walk home, especially in the rain, so I drove her. I helped her to her room and noticed a picture of a little girl with brown eyes. She told me it was her god-daughter. I only saw Erin a few times and she was so little back then that I didn't make the connection, just a feeling of familiarity." He looked at her like a man in a desert in desperate need of water. I'll admit, Avery was beautiful - both inside and out. She had one of those genuine personalities that just pulled you in. Had she lived near us, I'd probably have given it a shot myself, honestly.

Kota pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll have to reassign her to a different advisor now. I'm sure I've made her uncomfortable enough already."

"Just relax," North said. "Give her a chance to work it out and we'll see how it goes at dinner tonight. Luke's making pizzas like we used to do. Too bad Nate and Gabe aren't gonna be there. It would be cool to have us all in one place again, even if for only a little while."

"Yeah, I haven't seen Nate since right after he signed up," Kota said.

"Last I knew he was engaged," North said, "Probably married by now. I'm not even sure if he's still in the army."

"Best thing he could do though. His temper was so out of control back then. I worried he'd follow in his dad's footsteps with the drinking for so long," I added. When Sang left, Nate had fallen into a deep rage. He lashed out at all of us and started drinking heavily. Two years after she left, Phil finally had to intervene after he got arrested on a drunk and disorderly conduct charge as well as a minor in possession. The court offered him the chance to join the army and wipe the slate clean, and he took it. The minute he turned eighteen, he left for boot camp. We only saw him a few times after that before he went overseas and we lost touch as all of us started drifting apart.

I nodded my head as North and Kota looked down at Avery. Her eyes were drooping as her hold on the book started to slack. North gently reached forward and took it as she leaned over against Kota's shoulder. I left her headphones in to keep the noise out, but we all shifted to keep her from falling forward or being uncomfortable.

"You've got it bad," North whispered to Kota.

"I know and I feel like a horrible friend right now," he grumbled. "I really didn't know. I wouldn't blame Luke or Victor for decking me on sight when they find out."

I shook my head, "You didn't do anything wrong, and neither did she. I can't say my thoughts about Avery have always been the purest either."

North's eyes widened, "Really, damn I thought it was just me. I just never tried anything since she was halfway around the world."

"Yeah, me either," I added.

"Well, I'm tortured with seeing her four days a week and sometimes on weekends for study groups knowing I can't even try now," Kota sighed. He studied her face as her pink lips parted slightly. His hand moved as she shifted and he pushed back a lock of brown hair from her eyes.

"We're about ten minutes out. Should we wake her?" I asked.

"Just let her sleep. North, you can carry her and I'll get our bags. We checked them at the same time, so I know what to grab. I'm sure Luke and Victor will be there waiting for us," Kota said.

"Yeah, I guess Owen and Sean arrived last night. They are staying at Victor's place, so it will just be Luke coming to get us," I explained. "Luke said Vic was nervous about seeing us also."

"I'm still not sure I even want to see him, but now I feel like I have to. I wouldn't want him or Luke thinking I was trying to do something behind their backs," Kota said.

"I'll shoot him a quick text so he knows she's crashed out," North said.

North: Hey we are less than ten out. Ran into your girl and Kota on the train as well.

Luke: That's awesome! Good thing I brought Victor's car. Avery's is really small.

North: She's really small, LMAO! She fell asleep on the way. We decided not to wake her. Kota's gonna grab her bags while Silas grabs ours. See you soon, brother.

Luke: Thanks, but I'm still telling her you called her small. I want to see her kick your butt, LOL!  

Author's Notes:  So Kota's already hooked....wonder what will happen next...

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