Chapter 71

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I held my hands over her eyes as we walked into the house. When I took them away she gasped, "Oh, it's beautiful!"

"I asked the guys to do some renovating at both places while we were gone," I explained. "I wanted them to keep to the original style, but a bit updated with more space."

"Both places?" she asked.

"We didn't know what you wanted to do after graduation, so we thought both places could use some repairs," Luke explained.

She walked around the house, her hand trailing over the new stove and countertops, pausing when she noticed where the original woodwork had been incorporated. Her fingers traced faded carvings, "My athair (father) carved our initials in the countertop one morning. See these are mine, his, and my máthair's (mother's)." Her eyes shone with tears as she looked up, "Thank you for preserving it."

Brandon stepped closer, "It just felt important when Axel and I were working on it. I almost sanded over it, but something told me not to."

Avery reached out and took his hand with a soft smile, "I'm glad you listened to your instincts." You would have thought she had given him an award with the way he straightened and beamed with pride at her words. The look on his face was pure adoration. She glanced at us, "So what else did you gentlemen do while I was away?"

We spent the day showing her the changes to both houses and some plans we had drawn up for further alterations if she wanted.


Avery sat up in bed, gasping. "Av, what's wrong?" Luke asked her, running his hand over her back. Gabe and I both had concerned expressions as we waited for her to talk.

"I...I don't know," she stuttered, "I need to go the moors."

"Chaton, it's three in the morning," Gabe tried to reason, but she cut him off, tears starting to flow.

"I have to." She had a look of pure panic on her face. "Please."

"Okay, baby, just let us get you and us dressed, then we'll go with you, okay?" I suggested.

She nodded and took the jeans and sweater Luke handed her, putting them on without another comment. We all moved down the stairs as quietly as we could and were surprised to see both Silas and Brandon waiting at the door. She melted into their arms as they whispered to her and we all headed toward the moors.


I have no idea what was pulling me along, but Silas and Brandon seemed to feel the same pull. The wind whipped as we walked along and I felt Victor squeeze my hand tightly when I heard the sound of a child's laughter. We all stopped in our tracks, looking around.

"Please tell me I'm not fucking hallucinating," Gabriel muttered as he pointed to the left. A small figure moved toward us, almost seeming to skim over the rough terrain. A heavy green cloak covered their features from our view.

I felt myself moving forward still gripping Victor's hand as I fell to my knees. The figure's hood fell back, revealing a beautiful young girl who looked to be around sixteen. Her hair was a deep chestnut and her amber eyes sparkled as she smiled, "Hello máthair, athair."

"Hello iníon (daughter)," Victor said softly as he lifted me to my feet.

I reached out a shaky hand toward her and she laughed, "I'm real máthair," as she stepped forward to embrace both of us.

"I don't did you know?" I asked Victor.

"No idea, but I do. I get the feeling this isn't the first time we've met, is it Aine?" Victor grinned.

Our daughter smirked, "To quote that old show you two like so much, spoilers. Now, I don't have much time. Three challenges are coming soon. You need to be prepared, all of you. The gate cannot be opened at all costs." Her eyes drifted to the others and she gave a wistful smile, "Hello Papas. I wish I had more time to visit." She gave us another hug, and then looked at Brandon. "Oh and Papa Brandon, when I tell you Elijah took my favorite doll, don't be too harsh on him. While he does take it, I had no idea he had second sight back then - none of us did yet. The doll had been cursed. He simply did what any good big brother would do and protected me even if I didn't know it then."

Brandon's eyes widened, then watered, "I'll do my best to remember it, Aine," he replied, his voice straining as Silas squeezed his shoulder.

She looked at me, "I love you, all of you so much," then she vanished.

I felt like a cold knife had sliced through me when she left and I gasped, sobs breaking free. Victor scooped me up bridal style as we walked back to the house to find all of them awake at the kitchen table waiting for us. I stayed quiet as I let the others explain. I felt my eyes getting heavy as sleep tugged at me when I heard her voice in my head - Don't give up on Daddy Nate - then she was gone again as darkness pulled me under.


I watched Avery's chest rise and fall as she slept in Victor's arms. Tonight's events had unnerved me. First the strange dream, then the pull to a place I didn't even know, and lastly meeting a future version of Victor and Avery's unborn daughter. "She called me Papa Brandon and referred to Elijah as her big brother," I said quietly.

Axel nudged me, "See you're family." A grin broke across my face at the thought. Could it be true...would I get to raise my son and have a life with this enigma of a woman?

"So what challenges do you think she was referring to?" Luke asked, laying a blanket over her and Victor. "Not gonna lie, I was hoping to have a peaceful break after all the other stuff."

Owen smirked, "I'm not sure things will ever be what you might call normal. Our wife is a banshee, and so is our first daughter. I say for now we just focus on the present and face these challenges as they come. No sense fretting about what we can't stop."

Sean put his hand on Owen's forehead, "Who are you and what have you done with my control freak of a husband?"

Owen chuckled and grabbed his hand, then kissed it. "I guess I'm just taking a cue from our lovely wife. We can't plan for everything, so let's enjoy each moment."

Author's Notes:  Please vote, follow, share, and comment!

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