Chapter 18

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I felt my stomach clenching as I finished explaining what my parents had done and what I agreed to. I swear I could have heard a pin drop, it was so deathly silent.

Kota's eyes were watery as he spoke shakily, "I...I'm so sorry, Victor. I've spent all these years blaming you for Sang leaving, for our family falling apart, but it wasn't your fault at all. Fuck, man, I just didn't..." His voice trailed off as he stood and came over, pulling me into a tight bear hug.

No one had a dry eye.

"What I can't figure out is how they pulled all those strings and gathered so much evidence - both real and false?" Sean mused. "I mean who the hell did they have in their pockets that could rig a damn parole hearing for Kota's dad, and Gabe...fucking hell. If he had any idea..."

"He needs to know," Luke said. "He was so hurt when he took off to Paris. He blamed himself for you leaving, but wouldn't ever tell us why."

I sat back down next to Avery after Kota stopped hugging me. "That's not just my story to tell. I won't break his confidence and hurt him any more than I have already."

"I agree with Sean. The amount of information they had on each of us is insane," Owen added.

"None of it exists now. I destroyed everything after they died," I told them.

"Most of the matters wouldn't affect us now with statutes of limitations," Owen said. "Or at least not in a criminal matter. Several items could still damage careers."

"The Academy," Silas said softly. "It had to be someone at the Academy giving them the information. Only North and my own family knew about my sister's death outside of the Academy."

"Was that their way of getting us out, or did it backfire on them?" North asked.

"Maybe it was their way of getting Sang to join and away from us," Luke suggested. "Think about it, she wasn't sure about joining because she was afraid of the strain it would put on our team and her if they made her do solo work. This way, she became a solo with no ties. Now she's a couples team, but still a ghostbird."

"I'm not sure I understand all of this," Avery questioned, "What is this Academy you keep talking about?"

Oh damn, we'd all gotten so lost in the conversation, we forgot about Avery. "Um, well," I stammered, but Kota cut me off.

"It's an organization that works behind the scenes. They recruit individuals with unique skill sets and circumstances for basically undercover work. We were all recruited as children and met Sang on one of our missions," he explained. "After Victor left, we sort of fell apart. As far as I know, Sang is the only one of us still involved with the Academy."

Avery gaped, "Wait, so you lot were fecking child spies? What the hell talents do you all have?"

North laughed, "The look on your face right now is damn priceless." She stuck her tongue out at him, making us all laugh.

Sean wiped his eyes and chuckled, "Well, beautiful, you aren't the only exceptional and good-looking student here. I graduated and finished my medical degree before I was nineteen. My adoptive parents were also involved in the Academy and that's how I got started."

"Damn, you should have been my grandfather's kid," she muttered.

"I'm good at breaking into things and moving silently," Luke explained.

"I just got dragged along when North came to the States," Silas chuckled.

"Whatever, man," North rolled his eyes. "The man can build anything, not to mention we're both the muscle in a fight. As teens, we could blend in as jocks easily to get intel."

"The Academy used my piano skills to travel and get into higher circles. At first, my parents were supportive when they thought it would mean more money, but after they realized that wasn't going to happen, they wanted me out of it," I said.

"I'm a math whiz," Kota said. "Plus my mom worked at the Academy hospital and when her supervisor learned how abusive my father was, he pulled some strings and got us help. That was my ticket into the Academy."

She looked at Owen, "And what is your skill, Owen?"

He frowned, "The Academy came to me after I killed my father. He shot my mother and then attempted to kill me, but missed. Then, I shot him instead. I've never really understood why they sought me out, but they did."

Avery gasped and in seconds she was on the floor before him, wrapping her arms around him, "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

He leaned his head on her shoulder and tentatively embraced her, then his shoulders began to tremble as he cried softly. We all sat, shocked. Other than Sean, I'm not sure any of us had ever seen Owen cry.

They stayed that way for several minutes, then she pulled back and whispered something to him. He nodded and she pressed a kiss to his forehead, then stood up. "I think that's enough talk for tonight. Victor, do you have enough rooms? If not, some of you can come and use the spare rooms at my place."

"I've got the one for Luke and Erin since she's already asleep, then two more," I said. "I've already set up Owen and Sean in those. Do the rest of you mind staying over there?"

"Just gives me more time to pick on the short one here," North chuckled. Avery whacked his stomach as he muttered, "Ooof!"

"Watch out for us short girls, North. We have lower aim," she smirked.

We all chuckled as I grabbed my coat and car keys. "Take my car since yours won't hold the two giants," I joked. I pulled her into my arms and nuzzled her ear. "I love you."

She grinned, "I love you too, grá," then kissed me softly. When we parted, Luke pulled her to him and whispered something that made her flush crimson and nod.

The guys stood with their suitcases in their hands as we all walked out to the car and I watched her drive away. "You did see how he looked at her, right?" I asked Luke without looking at him.

He chuckled, "Yeah, him, Owen, Sean, North, and even Silas." He slapped my shoulder and said, "So how do you feel about babysitting tomorrow night? I have a weekend to make up for."

Turning, I rolled my eyes at him, "Yeah, man. Might want to stock up...she's damn insatiable."

"Oh, yeah, I'll stock up on condoms and ice. I remember how pathetic you looked," he snickered.

"Worth every moment of pain," I grinned broadly.

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