Chapter 55

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Avery paced back and forth. "Why hasn't he called?" she muttered. "He should have called by now."

We were all on edge.

Sean's last call had indicated he would arrive yesterday, but when the flight landed, he wasn't on it. I'd already made calls to try and determine where he was, but so far, no one was answering.

"Owen," Victor's face was pale as he handed me a paper. "I...I pulled this off the international wire." His voice was low.

I read the words...then again, before dropping to my knees as Avery ran to me. "What...what happened?" she cried out. I stared blankly, unable to answer her as she tore the page from my hands and let out an ear-shattering scream.

***Press Release***

Search efforts continue for the missing personnel. Sources confirm that the convoy, including a group from Doctors without Borders, was attacked just after sunrise. The convoy included nine soldiers from both Ukrainian and UN forces, Doctors William Trillet and Sean Green from the US, and nurses Karey Wils, Jarett Sol, and Tran Wu. The bodies of Trillet, Wils, Sol, and five soldiers have been recovered. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack at this time.

Author's Notes: ...  Back to work tomorrow...

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